- FIVE -

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"Get upppppp! First day of school!!"  I'm startled awake by someone yelling in my ear.
"Ughhhh." I moan, and grab a pillow to put over my face. I am most definitely not a morning person, and getting up is most definitely my least favorite part of school.
  Seconds later I scream as my nice warm pillow is ripped from my face and I feel a steady stream of ice cold water being pointed at my face. I leap up and look around for the culprit, I make to the hallway just in time to see a certain young man with white blond hair disappearing down it. I growled and cursed under my breath before turning my into my room, to get ready. I had packed the day before, including laying out an outfit. Even though I had spent nearly half my life as a witch, I had grown up as a Muggle and still preferred to wear muggle clothing when I wasn't in school or attending other important magical events. My outfit for today included a maroon crop top, ripped jean shorts, cute causal heels and some jewelry. I had recently gone shopping as I had really been thinking about what Ron had said to me. Not that I really cared about what others thought of me, but I was nineteen. High time I started dressing like it instead of my normal baggy sweaters. This was going to be my year. Time to start having fun with my life. The last year before being an adult really started. Last year of school. Time to make some great memories.
  "This is going to be a great year." I told myself in the mirror. I brushed my long now silky hair. No more bushy frizz for me. My transformation did still scare me but so far I had held off all and any dark thoughts and it had done wonders for my appearance. I was almost glowing. I gave myself one last check in the mirror. Did I look good? Yes. Was it the complete opposite of what I normally looked like? Definitely. Did I kinda want to make Ron jealous and regret everything he had done to me this past month? Most definitely.
  "Time to go!" A Death Eater had come to my door way and was now collecting my bags.
   "Mr. Malfoy is waiting for you downstairs in the car." I nodded and quickly ran down the stairs.
   "Thanks a lot for getting me up this morning." I said as I got outside.
  "My pleasure." Malfoy smirked back at me. "So this thing is a what? A car? Can I really trust you to get us to the train station in it??"
   "Yes you can. How have you never ridden in a car before?" I laughed. I don't know why Muggle borns were so looked down upon. I had complete knowledge of both the wizarding world and the muggle world unlike most wizards who would be completely lost in the muggle world. I had learned to drive a couple years earlier and Voldemort had thought it the best way to get to the train station.
I hopped in the car, followed by Malfoy  and two Death Eater friends in the back. Death Eater friends followed me wherever I went. They weren't coming to Hogwarts with me but something worse was. I had recently learned that Voldemort could occupy my mind whenever he wished. Pretty much check up on me whenever he wished. I didn't yet know if he could actually control my body and mind but I suspected he could and I didn't want to find out.
"Hogwarts here we come!" I said as I stepped on the gas.

- At the train station -
- Ron's POV-

I sat down with a thump in a train compartment by myself. The news of my cheating on Hermione had spread like wildfire after the Daily Prophet article. I had had to get away from all the whispers and stares, not the mention the fact that nobody actually wanted to sit with me. Even Jocelyn had completely stopped contact with me. I knew Harry would eventually hopefully talk to me again, but for now he was ice cold to me, and the fact that Hermione still was missing didn't help. I looked up as I heard voices, and then wrinkled my nose as i realized I recognized the sneer of one of them.
  "We've checked all the compartments but this one. They're all full." I heard Draco Malfoy say.
    "Well we would been here earlier if you hadn't had to stop to use the bathroom on the way here. It was a half hour car ride. Half an hour!!"  A girl's voice responded teasingly.
   "Don't make fun of my small bladder! Let's try in here." He responded as he pushed open the compartment door and he and his companion stepped in.
   My mouth dropped as I recognized the girl. She was the same one that had been with him at Diagon Alley and she was even more beautiful than I remembered. She had perfect tan skin, and was wearing a crop top that showed off her perfectly toned abs. She had long rich brown hair hair than shone in the light in a straight sheet down her back just reaching her waist. Her eyes were chocolatey with hints of emerald that sparkled in light, as I looked up at her. She gasped upon seeing me and grabbed Malfoy's arm.
   Malfoy looked back at her concernedly, and then back at me.
  "Hey i know none of us prefer this seating arrangement but there just really isn't any other open seats so do you mind if we sit here?" He asked.
   I shook my head quickly and looked back at the mystery girl. Anything to keep staring at her. She wasn't just beautiful, she was captivating. I had never seen anyone like her before in my life.
"I-I-I'm Ron!" I stammered out had been rendered speechless by this new girl's beauty.
"Don't even talk." She coughed out icily and turned into Malfoy covering her face with her hair. I opened my mouth to try again but my mother's words rang sharp in my head and I bit my lip.

Don't even talk to any other girls until Hermione is found and you apologize to her

I had never meant for things to turn out the way they did. I just had been a little drunk and Jocelyn had been there, flirting, shoving her plastic surgery perfect breasts in my face and I just couldn't resist. Hermione was either studying, working or reading. Her idea of fun was a once a week movie night. Maybe some kissing if I was lucky. Damn we were nineteen. We were supposed to be having the time of our lives. We weren't even technically out of school. We should be partying, living up our last summer before the real world. Work could come after school. Next year after we had graduated. I don't even know why I had proposed. It just had seemed like a good idea at the time. Hermione had just always been there for me, and we had so many good memories together. In the moment I couldn't imagine life without her. After months of waiting to get married the truth had shone through and I knew this was the life I wanted years from now after I had kids. This slow, unexciting life was one I wanted to live when I was sixty and graying. Not while I was still young. I thought Hermione had been feeling it too. Our incompatibilities. Apparently not. I had never meant it for it to end with her running away.

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