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An rewritten, edited, new (big differences from my other version) version of my story Granger to Riddle. If you haven't read my first version of this I invite you too, (warning it's a little cringey & kinda bad hence why I rewrote it) or just stay and read on...

hermione granger's life was going great, engaged to the love of life ronald weasly and soon to go back to her second home hogwarts to finish up her schooling & graduate. little does she know soon her life is about to take a horrific turn which results in ron breaking with up with her and then voldemort coming back from the dead claiming to be her father

  An annoying beeping noise broke through my dreams. Normally I'd be annoyed but this morning I was in too good of a mood to care. I was marrying the guy I'd been crushing on for years in a week.

I stood up, a giant smile already stretched across my face. I took a quick shower and put my giant frizz ball of hair in a bun. No need to look good for errands. Anyway who cares what I look like? I already had my perfect guy and some incredible friends in my life. I had a couple of wedding errands to run before meeting Ron for coffee.

  Ron Weasley. The guy I had been crushing on for years and years. And now I, the nerdy teacher's pet, Hermione Granger was finally going marry him. It felt like a dream come true.

  I quickly apparated to an alleyway near the bakery we had chosen for the cake. I entered savoring the sweet smell of freshly baked cake.

  "Welcome! What can I do for you?" A elderly woman asked me.

   "I need a wedding cake for a week from today." I said smiling.

  She broke into a smile as well. "Ahh for you?"

   I nodded.

   "I love it. Wedding cakes are my favorite. Just thinking about the joy and happiness that's going to go along with it. I can still remember the day my husband proposed." She babbled on and on about her husband but I was transported to the night Ron proposed.

   It hadn't been a grand event or anything, just him and me holding hands watching my favorite movie. He had coughed and awkwardly had brought a small box out from his box. My heart had leaped at the sight of it.

"Hey, Hermione I was thinking, would you want to maybe get married or something?" He had asked while scratching the back of his head.

I had said yes right away. This was a couple months ago as I had wanted an August wedding. Late summer was my favorite part of the year, and it was a tradition in my family to get married in August. Ron was a little reluctant to wait so long but he had complied to my wishes.

I was broken out of my day dreams when the bakery lady told me the price. I quickly paid and went to my next stop which was flowers. That was a quick stop and soon I was on my way to get a dress. I had wanted Ron to be with me to pick out a dress but he said he was busy and only had time to stop for a quick coffee.

   Later he had been away from home and busy a lot. I had an uneasy feeling about it but had shaken it off when I had thought about I too had been busy and currently was very busy with wedding preparations.

  "Darling! Time for your dress?" The owner of the shop, Monique came up to me. I had already been here with Ginny the week before to pick out bridesmaids dresses.

   "Yes am I! I'm looking for something simple, nothing too over the top." I said. No sparkles, or frills for me.

Monique shook her head as if she didn't approve of simple wedding dresses and motioned for me to follow her.

After what seemed like hours on top of hours I finally found a dress that I fell in love with. It was white, and the skirt had floaty white layers. Enough room to easily walk with out showing too much. The top was had thin straps and wasn't attached to the skirt it showed a thin strip of skin. I laughed at the thought of showing that much skin but Monique talked me into it. It was beautiful. A perfect dress. A perfect guy. I smiled as I left the shop. Now on to meet my guy for coffee.

I loved coffee. Had a small addiction to it even. But of course not black plain coffee. Coffee with lots of sugar and whipped cream. Iced preferably in the summer. My favorite coffee shop had the best iced vanilla mocha I had ever had.

I got my coffee and sat down at my favorite table near the window and waited for Ron. My eyes lit up when I heard the door open and see him walk in.

"Hey! I got the cake, flowers and my dress! My dress is gorgeous, I know you'll love it..." I trailed off when I realized he was just standing there staring at me.

"Ron? Is something wrong?" I asked confused. "If you forgot to get the invitations printed that's okay. I'll do it tomorrow."

He shook his head.

"No Hermione." He said, his voice choked up. "I can't do this."

"Do what? Coffee? Do you want something else?" I said not catching on.

"No. You and me. The wedding." He quietly spoke those horrible words.

"No. No. Ron. Why. What did I do? You're the one." My voice started to tremble and I held back tears.

"Because you're you! You're boring and I can't take it!! You never want to go out! We just stay home! We've never had sex and we barely kiss and we've been dating for almost a year! You're happy with staying home and waiting. I wanted to marry you months ago! Maybe it fate that we didn't. We obviously needed more time to realize our true feelings about each other." He said bitterly.

"Boring? True feelings? Ron I thought.. I thought I loved you! Why are you doing this?" I started shrieking. People were now staring.

"I'm doing this because luckily I realized I would not have a happy life with you." He spat out.

"Fine! Fine. I don't need you anyway. Leave. I can't look at you right now." I cried. Any more time with Ron and I knew I would start full on sobbing.

"Good I'm happy we agree." And with he spun and stalked out.

What just happened? Five minutes ago I was dreaming of a magical wedding with my perfect guy and now? I don't know where to go. I had to get out.

I started angrily walking around. I wanted to hurt Ron! Deeply. Badly. Hurt him.

I let out a gasp when I realized what I was thinking. Yes I was mad but I would never physically hurt Ron. Where did those thoughts come from? I shook them off and squashed them.

I ended up in Diagon Alley, one of my favorite places.

"Daaaaaily Propheeeeet!! Come and get it!! Hot off the press!!" A newspaper was shoved in my face. I gave the man some coins and took it.

Ronald Weasley, part of the Golden Trio and war hero, was seen dancing with model Jocelyn Monroe at the local bar. We wonder what Ron's fiancée Hermione Granger is thinking. Or Jocelyn's boyfriend Draco Malfoy?

It was followed by a picture of Ron feeling up a gorgeous blonde.

The feelings of hatred came back up even worse than before. Hurt. Blood. Badly. Kill.

I screamed. Why wouldn't these feelings leave me?? I would not hurt Ron. I wanted to somehow get back at him but nothing like killing him!!

Suddenly something hit me and everything went black.

(update: in the first version I referenced @magic.girl.mione as Hermione's Instagram account, I just made it a real thing please go follow and comment suggestions telling me what I should post! :))

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