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"Hermione Granger! Just the girl I was looking for!" I hear a voice behind me. I know that voice. A voice that sent fear creeping into the lives of millions including mine. The voice of Lord Voldemort.

I cry out and try to move, realizing I'm bound hand and foot. I'm sitting on the cold stone floor in which I'm almost certain is Malfoy Manor.

"Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. Darling." The voice sneers and steps in front of me.

Just as I remember, the figure has pale skin, dark slits for a nose and ominous dark reddish eyes. The only difference since the last time I saw him is that instead of dead, he is very much alive and kicking.

""Now I'm sure you're wondering why you have been brought here. Not for fun and torture games like the last time your presence graced the halls of Malfoy Manor. Although those are my favorite alas I have a different reason for bringing you here." He stopped and looked straight at me.

My heart shuddered with fear as his eyes seemed to glow ruby red. I looked away.

  "My dear Hermione, you are my daughter."

   I snapped my head back to stare at him. He looked down at me almost fondly, an emotion I had never thought was possible on his face.

   His daughter?? What does that even mean? How could I, Hermione Granger, muggle born, Gryffindor and everything he was not, be his daughter?!

   "Yes, yes I know you must be shocked. You are nothing really like the daughter I always wanted." He dryly said. "But alas you can't really pick your kids."

"No!" I screamed. "Let me go!!"

  I broke out of my initial daze and the reality of the situation hit me hard.

  I screamed and screamed, thrashing against my bonds.

  "Darling, darling! Temper tantrums? I thought I had avoided that phase by getting my daughter at age nineteen!" He disapprovingly shook his head. 

"Let me go!! You are not my father! Let me go home to my true parents!" I knew I was acting like a three year old yes, but fear had taken my brain over.

  This was my worst nightmare come true. Actually worse than my worst nightmare. This whole day was one straight from hell. First my fiancée breaks up with me, then Lord Voldemort comes back from the dead kidnaps me and claims to be my father?! Luke Skywalker and his evil father problems had nothing on me.

  Oh God please let me wake up!! I prayed. Oh please just let me wake up! I'll do anything! Anything! I squeezed my eyes shut.

  "You think by closing your eyes I'll go away or something?" I heard laughter. "Oh honey I'm here to stay."

I took a deep breath. Closing my eyes and having temper tantrums isn't going help anything. If he really thinks he's my father he won't do anything to hurt me. Now if I do as he pleases maybe I can find a way to escape.

"So you're my father?" I looked up at me.

  "Glad you've decided to act like a nineteen year old again. Yes. I am your father. Now to spare you the questions I'll tell you the story. Nineteen years ago, before Harry Potter happened to me the first time, I was just a guy looking for some love. Bellatrix is nice but as everyone knows that relationship is pretty one sided. So I decided to go my favorite bar down in London. Stop looking at me so weird! I am capable of doing normal things. So I met a girl that night. Gorgeous chocolate brown hair, creamy skin. Ahh she was perfect. Emma Watson, I think her name was. Anyway things happened that night, we exchanged addresses and then we went on our way. A couple months ago how ever I received a letter from her mother. Apparently Emma had passed away in a car crash. But her mother had a found a letter in her room that she was going to mail to me. It told how she had gotten pregnant and then found a nice muggle family to take you. The Grangers. So yes. That's about it for the story of your creation. Now how about a story about you right now. As you now know you are a descendant of mine as you are my daughter.  I'm sure as smart as you are you didn't know soon after descendants of mine turn nineteen they develop special powers and maybe even an appearance change. You're in my bloodline. You have Dark Magic in your blood. I already feel your aura starting to change. I will take you to your room now, don't even try to escape it'd be very pointless, and have fun with the pain. Try to stay strong I'd look like a bad father if you died within my first day of parenting." Lord Voldemort finished up as he picked me up, apparated to a different room in the house, threw me on a bed and disappeared again.
  "As if you were going for the Father of the Year Award." I coughed. My head spun with all my new found knowledge.  Did he make all of that up? Why would he? I didn't think he made the part about the powers, despite not ever hearing anything like it I could already feel my muscles tensing and a hot cold feeling rushing throughout my body like a raging fever.
   I screamed as a pain racked my body so big that I twisted so hard that I fell off the bed. What was this nightmarish day and when was it going to end? My world faded to black for the second time.

    I blinked my eyes as fuzzy light filtered through. I screamed unable to take it as I looked around at the nasty room I was in and all the terrible memories of what had happened the day before came rushing back at me. It had all really happened.
    Despite my anger I was curious to see as Voldemort had meant when he had mentioned new powers. I felt stronger and different physically and emotionally. I walked over to a large mirror that hung in the corner and my jaw literally dropped.
  Where I had previously had frizzy shoulder length mousy brown hair, was shiny lustrous dark blonde locks that hung to the small of my back. My skin seemed to glow and it felt and looked like I had spent a year at the gym since looking last in the mirror not just one day. Even my brown eyes had turned to a shade of brown with hints of emerald which evoked feelings of excitement which I quickly pushed down and turned them into feelings of fear. I definitely had glowed up. But at the same time there was something darker and sinister about the girl in the mirror looking back at me and I didn't think I liked it.

Granger to Riddle (edited)Where stories live. Discover now