- SIX -

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   I yawned as I was awakened by the sound of the train whistle announced our arrival to Hogwarts. My dreams had been full of everything bad in my life. Voldemort. Ron. I had been trying to get myself into a positive attitude, here I was going back to my favorite place in the world but once we had entered Ron's compartment everything had come rushing back at me at once.  The nerve of him. Flirting with me? Another girl? Already? I don't know what I ever saw in him. Maybe it was for the better he had cheated. Had his true light shine through before we had gotten married.

"We've arrived!" Malfoy said softly to me breaking me out of my sleepy thoughts. Hogwarts. While I was still very excited to come back, heck just be out of Malfoy Manor, everything was completely different than I had originally imagined. As much as Voldemort hated my "dirty Muggle name" of Hermione Granger he decided to allow me to use it in order to not raise suspicion. Luckily for Voldemort the current event in my life worked out perfectly for a cover story on where I been for the past couple weeks. I had "taken a trip in order to clear my mind after Ron had tragically broken off our engagement." Lucky for me Voldemort could easily occupy my mind and was watching me in case I decided to try and tell the truth. I shook my head and stood up determined to have somewhat of a good year despite everything.

"What's going on?" I questioned Malfoy as we entered the Great Hall. Instead of all the students sitting normally at the four grand house tables everyone was clustered in a big group in the entryway.

"They're resorting everyone remember?" Malfoy reminded me. After all the recent events I had completely forgotten. It was an effort to unite students and get rid of all Dark Magic related groups, Headmistress McGonagall had decided to resort all students at the start of the new year. Malfoy and I talked quietly in the back while students got sorted for what seemed hours. Finally they got to the seventh year's.

"Hermione Granger." McGonagall's words seemed to ring throughout the entire hall. Immediately the whole hall burst into whispers. I took a deep breath, and started walking through the hall towards McGongall who was sitting in the front with the Sorting Hall. My boots clicked loudly on the stones, while I tried to focus on straight ahead ignoring all the whispers that moved around me. I sat down on the stool and the Sorting Hat was placed on my head.

Hermione Granger? What a surprise. You're definitely not the innocent little bookworm you were freshman year are you?

Yes I am!

Oh no, no you aren't! Moved closer towards the Dark Side now have you?

No I haven't! I'm a Gryffindor through and through! I'll never join the Dark Side.

Oh no, that's what you think. Look deeper inside yourself and you'll find something very far from Gryffindor. I'm thinking....


"SLYTHERIN!" The hat roared. If the rest of the students had been whispering before, they were full on talking now. It seemed everyone in the Great Hall had an opinion on me. Even the teachers were discreetly whispering to each other. I quickly jumped off the stool and stalked towards the Slytherin table sitting alone, until a couple minutes later Malfoy joined me.

"Hey at least over here I won't have to deal with Ron." I concluded looking over at the Gryffindor table where Ron was walking over too, where of course, he, Harry and Ginny had of course been resorted into. He sat down with them, apparently temporarily been forgiven as I was obviously not dying of grief in a foreign country.

"Very true. And hey not all Slytherins are that bad." Draco reminded me.

"As if. You're one."

"And now so are you."

Yes! Yes! Slytherin where you belong my little Dark princess daughter!

I suppress a scream as I realize Voldemort is talking inside my brain.

The reality of the situation hits me hard and I storm out of the Great Hall.

Ron's POV

I sat down at the Gryffindor table my eyes still locked on Hermione sitting with Malfoy. I still couldn't believe the stunning girl I had seen on the train was Hermione. Hermione well, Hermione wasn't bad looking she was cute. Maybe even good looking when you got her out of her baggy sweaters and messy hair buns. Nothing like this girl. She was radiant, glowing even. Glowing with some sort of dark energy. It's like Malfoy had scooped her up and given her some sort of makeover. A dark makeover.

"Stop staring at Hermione, Ron I think you're drooling." Ginny's voice broke into my thoughts startling me.

"How..how?" I managed to get out while still staring at her.

"How what?" Ginny asked. "I also still don't really understand how that could be Hermione, she looks so different. At the same time I understand though. You really hurt her Ron. I couldn't blame her for trying for a new start."

"But..but Malfoy!" I spit out in disgust.

"I've never seen Malfoy's name heading the Daily Prophet as having cheated on his girlfriend. You should learn some tips." Ginny said sharply as she turned back to Harry. I dropped my head down to the table. This year was going downhill. This was supposed to be a great year.

Granger to Riddle (edited)Where stories live. Discover now