470 20 17

I throw myself down onto a couch in the Slytherin common room. Malfoy showed me the way after I practically ran out of the Great Hall.

"Everything okay?" Malfoy asked me quietly.

"No!" I scream letting everything out. I start sobbing, my emotions completely overtaking me. "I-I just don't even know anything anymore. This was supposed to be a great year. Instead my fiancé breaks up with me yet practically throws himself at me once I clean myself up a little. And I'm a prisoner inside my own mind, being controlled by Voldemort who's supposed to be dead but who's actually my fucking father."

Malfoy comes and sits down next to me. I rest my head against his shoulder as I choke out the rest of my sobs.

I lift my head as people begin to filter in, having finished with dinner. I suppress another scream as I knew I just couldn't deal with other people right now.

Malfoy seems to read my mind as he stands up.

"Come on. Let's go for a walk, I want to show you somewhere."

Malfoy leads me out of the castle and into the warm September night. A cool summer breeze blows gently as the sun had begun to set. We walk along the grounds and into the forest.

"Where are we going?" I ask softly.

"Just somewhere I like to go when I need to be alone." Malfoy answers.

A couple minutes later Malfoy stops and announces we've arrived. He steps aside and I softly gasp. A small waterfall flows into a small creek which winds into the trees. The lush green trees line one side of the creek while on the other side they fade away to an opening which displays the sky and the setting sun. The sunset is incredible tonight with vibrant reds and purples. Malfoy leads me over to a flat long rock, and we both sit down.

"Wow. Malfoy this place is beautiful. I can't believe I never knew about it." I murmur in amazement.

"Draco. If we're close enough for you to be the first person I show my special spot too, we should be on a first name basis." He stated.



Malfoy's POV

I sneak a quick glance at Hermione sitting next to me. She looked absolutely stunning even despite having been sobbing her eyes out a couple minutes earlier. The last golden rays of sunlight illuminated her emerald tinted hazel eyes and caused her glossy hair and tanned skin to almost glow. These past couple weeks it was crazy how she'd gone from an enemy to one of the most important people in my life and I had really started to admire her. The way she had been keeping strong through all her recent struggles among other things. And she was obviously absolutely beautiful. Ha. Who knew the day would come when I, Draco Malfoy would think the Mudblood herself was beautiful. But she was. And always had been.

"Thanks for showing me this place Draco. I really appreciate it." She murmurs.

I look over at her and smile. And in that moment, despite it all, everything was perfect. I completely forgot everything, I was purely living in this one moment. 

  I moved closer and gently put my arm around her. She looked up and gave a small surprised smile. I looked deep into her eyes, feeling everything around us fade away leaving just her and I, together in this moment. I brushed her hair away from her face and oh how I wanted to kiss her. This moment was yearning for it but yet not knowing if she wanted to also, was the one thing holding me back.

After a few moments though, she put her other arm on me and leaned slightly into me and I knew. I leaned over, feeling her warm breath near my face. Before I could talk myself out of it or break the moment I leaned over more and gently brushed my lips against hers.

She seemed slightly surprised at first, but soon responded by leaning in for more. I pressed my lips against hers. This moment was everything I had dreamed of and more. We kissed for a couple minutes until I drew back, realizing Hermione was crying again.

"What is it?" I asked gently.

  "Everything. I don't understand my own life anymore! Aside from all my father issues, this moment! This moment with you was more romantic and I felt more than I did during a year with Ron. I want you. I've wanted you for years." She sobbed.

Hermione's POV

   I brushed tears out of my eyes. I didn't even know what to think. Kissing Ron was gentle and slow. Kissing Draco. Oh kissing Draco was new and exciting and sensual and it felt so right and just left me yearning for more. I felt as if a truth had been released from me.

"I've wanted you!" I proclaim to the world. "I've wanted you for years! But I hid it and went for the easy, comfortable choice of my best friend."

Draco laughs and picks me and goes in for another round of kissing. Everything is so wrong in the world yet so right.

Hey guys! Sorry for never updating! Decided to break up the story with a romantic chapter! Please leave your thoughts, I appreciate all feedback!

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