Chapter 1

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Analise Brown Pov.

I know I'm guilty. I know I have done things that shouldn't be done by normal people. But I never thought I would be caught..

It all started when I was 14. Drugs surrounded me, my mom smoking pot and snorting coke and my dad shooting heroin almost every night. I was bullied for going to school smelling like weed, but at the same time upperclassmen asked me to get stuff for them. I didn't know what to do. I stole a few grams of weed out of my mom's stash a day, selling them to people so they could get their fill. I would make about $100 a week, earning me quick cash. My mom never found out about me stealing it, so I frankly didn't care. I was curious as to how it made people feel, so like any normal person I tried it. I coughed insanely for the first couple of hits, not knowing how to properly inhale. But I started to get the hang of it. It felt.. Numbing. It numbed me from my pain and made me forget all of my worries. I loved the feeling of it. That's how my addiction and dealing started.

When I was about 16, I started to grow my own weed. I would buy seeds from my mom's dealer, telling them that I was her so they didn't know they were selling to a minor. Once I got my seeds, I researched how to take care of them. I started growing and my business started booming. I would grow hybrids of multiple strains, keeping them a secret from my parents. Everyone came to me for their shit. It was awesome.

I continued that for the next 5 years, but during that time I committed more crimes. I started to steal and I committed credit card fraud, buying people's CC numbers off of the dark web with Bitcoin. I used them for so much stuff, keeping them secret from the rest of my family. I told them I got a good job, so I have to leave the house at certain times so they think I'm working. I started stealing from small stores like gas stations and corner stores to help out with food. I was never caught until I turned 21.

I was moved out at 19, living in a small house with my herb in the back in a makeshift "greenhouse". Whenever the landlord came over to check on things, I tell him that I'm growing vegetables and fruits. He doesn't question it so I'm always off the hook. My business got better. The more money I had, the more weed I would buy for myself. I guess you could say that I'm an addict at this point. The reason I didn't smoke my own shit is because I grew some top-quality herb but I know someone that sells better. I can't go a day without smoking. I didn't steal as much but I still did when I didn't feel like buying anything.

But then one day, I heard a knock at my door. Thinking it was my landlord again, I opened the door quickly. When I looked up, I went pale. Two police officers were at my front door with a search warrant. They barged in and searched my apartment. After about 30 minutes they pin me against the wall. "If you struggle we will have to use force, so just comply with us ok?" I gulped as the cold steel handcuffs clicked around my wrists. "Yo, what did you find?!" I cry out. They pull out my bags of marijuana, stolen credit cards, and even some stolen things. I sigh in defeat only for two more to walk through the door. "We found more outside Stephens." One of the officers go outside, most likely to my plants. There was probably over 200 grams currently growing in my backyard.

I was busted...

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