Chapter 6

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Poussey POV


"I love teasing her, she's adorable when she gets teased~" I say to myself as i walk down the hall back to my dorm. When i walk in everyone is asleep, except for Taystee. She has a book in her hand with a flashlight in her hand. I chuckle to myself as i walk up to her. "Hey T, whatcha readin'?" I sit down next to her as she acknowledges me. She turns and smiles, "Hey P!" She whispers. She holds up the book, showing Into The Wild. I shrug. "Not the best book but ight.''
Taystee scoffs "How dare you! This is an amazing book on why white people always die first in movies." She jokes. We both laugh.
"Anyways, where you been? You've been gone for the past 50 minutes."
" I ran into someone..."
T looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Someone?" I guess she saw the smirk on my face. " Oooh pussy got some pussy!" She whisper-yelled.
"Bitch it's Poussey. Accent Au Droix, get it right. Now go to sleep, you gonna mess up your eyes with that spotlight on yo head" she nudges me with her elbow, chuckling as we do our handshake. I head off to my bunk and pass out on my rock hard bed.
~next morning~
Ana POV.
Her hands trailed my body, looking at all the scars and bruises she caused me. She smirks at my bruised body, feeling proud of it. She picks over the scars causing me to wince. "no.. don't.. not again.. please Diamond..." Tears stream down my cheeks as she grips my hair, pulling me up to her face. "You were always a little bitch weren't you?" No.. I wasn't.. not until you came and ruined me... "No.! Let me go!" I cry out as I try to wiggle out of her grip. "You're not leaving me Ana... Ever again..." Her nails dug into my skin, making it bleed and she ripped and tore into it. Please.. "STOP DIAMOND!! please... No more..

I jolt up from my bed seeing Morello and Boo at my side. "Yo you ok?" Boo asks. I feel something cold run down my cheeks. I wipe it off, realizing it was a tear. Fuck... Not again.. "yeah I'm good. I had a nightmare, that's all." My voice cracks.

"A pretty bad one too. We heard whimpering coming from in here and when we came in, you were shaking, crying, and even started to scream." Morello stated. "I'm fine guys, trust me."

Ugh I need a smoke..

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