Chapter 4

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Analise POV

I left that bathroom dazed and insanely turned on because of Poussey. The way she grinned at me as she walked out caused me to shiver, sending a chill down my spine. That was to days ago. We haven't really talked since then but, oh well. I walk to my bunk, only to have Morello take me away. "You've been assigned to the ghetto, good luck." My face turns red, realizing that Poussey lives there. Great, I'm going to be surrounded by her 24/7.

I move all my stuff to my bunk, landing me a spot next to Taystee. I got stares for being the only white girl in the bunks, but Taystee greeted me. "so, you're moving in here huh? Ight, I don't really have any rules, just keep it somewhat clean ok?" I smile and nod, placing my stuff on my bed. I sit down, opening a random book and start reading. "Witch and Wizard: The Gift? Nice choice Brown." I look up to see Poussey looking over my shoulder. My face reddens, remembering the incident in the bathroom. "y-yeah thanks." She smiles and starts talking to Taystee, leaving me to reading.

After about 30 minutes of reading, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Janae, smiling down at me. "C'mon, its lunch. I guess you were too caught up in your reading to realize it." My face burns up with embarrassment. "Oh, damn alright." I stand up and we head out to the cafeteria in silence.

As I walk in I instantly see Taystee, Poussey, Black Cindy, Crazy Eyes, and Kendal. They're all laughing and smiling in line as others look at them weird because of how loud they're being. I chuckle as Janae grabs my wrist and drags me up to them, skipping everyone in front of us. "Wassup Watson!" Cindy yells, making me flinch slightly. I'm still not used to how loud she can be. I glance around, my eyes immediately connecting with Poussey's making me blush slightly. I feel a nudge on my shoulder, causing me to look back. Janae is standing there, shocked but grinning. "You're explaining everything later..." she whispered to me. Great...

When we all sat down, I just listened in on their conversations. Poussey was laughing with Taystee as they did their white girl impressions. I just shook my head at them, causing them to laugh more. "No offense?" Poussey sa- well asks. I just shake my head while chuckling. They shrug and continue on. As I eat I feel something hit my back. I turn around to see a piece of paper on the floor. I pick it up, hearing some girls snicker causing me to gulp. I open it and... well it said some rude ass shit. But I shrug it off, knowing that I have friends that actually care about least I hope they do.


After lunch, Janae pulls me aside and grins. "Spill, now" she commands causing me to laugh as I feel my face heat up. "Fine, so you know how me and Poussey were walking to my bunk after dinner a few nights ago?" She nods, gesturing for me to continue. "Well I had some... Stuff...on me at the time and we smoked it together. We got really high and we might have messed around a little, nothing major, just some groping and heavy make-out sessions." She squealed like a 5-year-old girl. "Holy shit, so now you can't look at her without remembering your little session?" I shake my head. Janae squeals, making me jump slightly.

"You ok Jay?" she smiles and pats me on the back. "I'm proud of you Lise, I really am. Just don't hurt her ok?" I smile.

"I won't Janae, I promise." After our conversation, we walk back to my bunk, only to see a CO in my bunk.

"what's going on?" I ask the CO. "New bunk assignments. You're going into A block." I sigh, seeing a light skin girl with freckles sitting on the lower bunk. I look at P with sadness in my eyes while gathering my things. Once I'm finished I follow the CO, hearing the girls groaning about me leaving. I look back, seeing Poussey look at me, her eyes saddening.


I look into my new bunk, seeing a wild mess of dirty blonde hair sitting across from my bed. A brunette sits next to her as blondie's hand slides up her thigh. I sigh, causing Blondie to look up from her little girlfriend. "Oh hey, I'm Nichols, welcome to the suburbs." Her rough voice says. She waves her girl away, causing her to leave. Nichols eyes me up and down, grinning. "this is gonna be fun..." She mumbles under her breath.

Great..My roomie is a sex junkie. this is going to suck.. 

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