Chapter 3

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Analise Pov

We eventually got the bud out of me, so we stayed in the bathroom. Inside of the baggie, there was 2gs of my strongest shit and some crumpled rolling papers with some eyedrops. "Yo, how did you get this passed Bell?" she smiled like a child on Christmas. I'm guessing she's referring to the 'Squat and Cough' lady. I shrug "I just didn't cough that hard, but you want to smoke it now?" She grins, taking the rolling papers and straightening them out without ripping them. She breaks up the weed with her fingers, getting THC all over them. She packs the weed tightly and effortlessly, just like a pro. In less than a minute, we have a perfectly rolled joint in our hands. She hands it to me. "Hold on, I have a lighter. A "friend" taught me this when she was here, before she escaped." She pulls out a battery as I watch closely she takes an empty gum wrapper, connecting the two sides to the voltages. The wrapper starts to smoke, then burns, lighting the joint quickly. I take about two hits, inhaling the smoke into my lungs. I pass it to her, blowing the smoke in the drain. She takes a few hits, repeating the process. "damn this shit is strong, Brown. You grew this?" I nod, seeing her eyes become droopy and slightly red.

(Timeskip 30 mins later)

Poussey won't stop laughing at me.. she's so mean. A guard walked in, and questioned me about the smell. I had to say I was taking a shit as she was walking in. I mean, it worked..

"Oh my god! That was funny as fuck!" her eyes become teary as she laughs, causing her to wipe them with her sleeve. I hit her chest playfully. She smiles, leaning back against the stall slightly. I look at her, smiling. Her brown eyes were turning a slight pink color, causing them to stand out. "Poussey, come here." She leans up and stands up straight. I tilt her head back, taking the eyedrops in my hand. I hold open her eye slightly, dropping the eyedrops in them. She blinks, feeling relief instantly. "Thanks man." I smile in response, causing her to grin. She looks into my eyes, making my face redden. I look away, avoiding her stare.

After about 10 minutes of laughing and awkward conversations, we still are as high as we were at the beginning. At the same time, it's only been about an hour since we smoked. "So, then everyone started freaking out causing all the guards to force us to calm down. It was hilarious. I've never seen people get that hype over a simple contest." I laughed, causing her to laugh as well. Poussey continues to laugh, unable to stop. After a few minutes of giggling, we finally calmed down, causing both of our faces to redden. Poussey looked at me, her eyes glistening. "Maybe I should come to you when I get out. How much time do you have again?"

"8 years... sadly. You?" I question. "about 5 and 3 months left (JUST AN ESTIMATE)" she sighs.

"damn, you're going to leave me alone in here for 2 more years huh. I'll miss yo weird ass" I giggle. Even though I've only known her for about a day, I can trust her. "I'll miss you too Ana." My face reddens at the nickname. She smiles, making me grin. She goes to stand up, fully, only to stumble and fall on top of me (I'm sitting on the toilet). "s-sorry Analise. I d-didn't mean to..." she stutters softly. Awe, she has a soft side. "It's fine, if you want you can sit here, I don't mind. I can stand" she shakes her head. "its fine, honestly, I could just sit on your lap if that's ok?" I smile and nod, allowing her to sit on my lap. She shudders, sitting down. Damn, I never realized how cold it is in here.. I wrap my arms around her waist, trying to warm her up a little bit. She stiffens, causing me to smile. "Don't worry, I don't bite... I lick, but not bite" I say close to her ear. Damn.. what is with my weed, it always gets me really turned on for some weird reason. I have to fight it. "Oh really..?" I can hear the smirk in her voice.

She turns around quickly, latching her lips on mine causing me to gasp. I melt against her lips, making me moan softly. She smiles, cupping my face with one of her hands. She reaches one hand inside of my top, causing me to shudder due to the coldness. She plays with one of my breasts softly, twisting the nipple in her fingers causing me to breathe heavily. She smirks against my lips, pulling away, leaving me a panting mess. "Don't worry Angel.. I'll be back for you later." She smiles, opening the door and walking out of the stall. Fuck.. this girl got me so turned on only to leave like that? I see how it is..

I'll play your game Poussey Washington..

And I'm not going to lose...

Tell Me You Won't Leave  Me (An Orange Is The New Black Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now