Chapter 2

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Analise Brown Pov (After Trial/Sentencing)

I was sentenced to 8 years in federal prison. Litchfield to be exact. Honestly, I'm scared. But...I did sneak some herb in. Its uncomfortable but it's where the sun don't shine... I don't know how I'm going to get a lighter though, hopefully some of the other women have a lighter I can use. I already have my stuff and someone named Morello is showing me my temporary bunk assignment.

I see a thick girl with some messy curls. She was laughing with this other girl with a shaved head. I look at their names on their I. D's. "Tasha Jefferson and Janae Watson" I mumble to myself, causing them to turn and look at me. "Um, do we know you...Brown?" says Tasha, snickering as the other girl glares. "Um...N-no you don't know me. Obviously, I'm Brown. I've never been here before... Is it as bad as people say?" I stutter, kind of scared by her intimidation. "Hell yeah. This shit is terrible in here. Raging lesbians tryin' to get you to sleep with them, fights endin' in blood, bitches be crazy in here." Janae states coldly. She stares at me dead in the eyes, making me shiver.

They suddenly burst into laughter causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Nah we just playin with you girl, its not that bad, I mean. It's a prison and the food is terrible but it's better than most places." Tasha says. She hits my shoulder playfully, letting me know that we're cool. I chuckle shyly. My face heats up, realizing how embarrassed I am. "By the way, the name is Taystee, not Tasha." She laughs as I nod.

(Time Skip to Dinner)

The buzzer sounds for Dinner causing me to almost rush out for food. I need to get this baggie out of me... I get in line as fast as I can, my orange suit standing out among the sea of beige. Not going to lie, I was kind of hungry. I get handed a tray of unrecognizable food, making my face scrunch up immediately. The lady that handed me the tray shakes her head at me as if warning me to not do that. My face immediately softens, trying not to anger anyone as the chef, a lady with fiery red hair, watches me. I shudder as her gaze stays on me while I walk away.

As I look into the crowd, I see Taystee and Watson sitting with...well... I'm guessing their clique. I walk over to them, causing everyone to look at me. "Is it ok if I sit with you guys? No one else seems welcoming.." Taystee laughs and gives me a seat as everyone stares at her. Janae coughs, causing everyone to go back to their original conversations. Another big girl with two puffs on the top of her head whispers to Taystee, causing her to sigh. "Guys seriously? She's here because she's actually cool and plus she's new. Don't be judgin' her based on her color, shit." I hang my head, realizing why they were staring. "I don't have to sit here if you guys don't want me to." They all look at me shocked. "No no that's not it, its just.. well. Most of the white girls in here either don't like us, don't talk to us, or are just flat out weird." One girl with braids says. (A/N I'm adding people in here) I nod, understanding, sort of.

I look around the table, studying each new face. To the left of me, there was another girl with a shaved head in a grey sweatshirt. She had kind eyes with bags underneath them but it suited her. Her voice was sweet but deeper than mine. The girl mentioned before with the puffballs has a rougher tone in her voice. She honestly looks intimidating. The girl with the scalp braids has light blue eyes unlike the other girls who all had dark brown. She had an innocent nature, making me think that she did some major shit. She sat next to Janae. On the other side of Taystee, there was a girl with Twists in her hair. She had wide eyes and a gap in between her front teeth. She keeps speaking nonsense, is she ok?

Everyone seemed welcoming for the most part, introducing themselves, them asking what I did and how I did it. "Well, I smoke and grow weed, I stole multiple times, I also used stolen credit cards for my own use." They seemed shocked, not knowing that a tiny girl like me could commit these crimes. The girl next to me speaks up. "How long do you have?" "8 years.." they all exclaim. "Oh hell no. that's fucked up. Poussey here has 6 years just for smoking and trespassing some dumb ass property." Black Cindy says loudly. I shrug, not knowing what to say as I take a bite out of...whatever the hell this is. It has a slight processed chicken flavor with a hint of spice, but not in a good way. I cough slightly, causing Poussey to look at me. "You ok?" I nod as I cough more. "Don't worry, at least it's not beef and noodles" she chuckles as she hands me a napkin. I take it and spit the "food" into it, keeping my view from the chef.

Once dinner ends, Poussey walks with me to my temporary bunk. "Hey, I have a question" I smirk as I turn to her. She smiles and nods, as if telling me to continue. I go close to her ear and whisper softly. "I have a little something that I think you might enjoy.." she looks confused. "but I'm going to need some help getting it out.."

I lead her to a nearby bathroom, both of us going into the only stall with a door. "What is it exactly?" she asks. "let's just say I have a little plant that you have history with. But its in a place that I cant reach on my own." She nods immediately knowing what I have. "s-so you want me to get it? Which place is it in?" I bend over, placing my hands on the wall. "In here. No weird shit right? Just herb." I grin. 

(A/N: i realize that this might be a little forward but trust me, the weed is gonna show its use next chapter. and if you guys want a picture of Analise, i'll try to find one similar to the idea in my head. anyways thanks for reading, there's not a lot of Poussey fanfictions on here so, why not make one myself ☺☺)

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