Chapter 8

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"Yes hun i know.. they've just been getting worse as the nights go by.."

"Just calm down and try to take your mind off of them, see if you can go find yourself someone to help you. Surely you've met people right?" I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Yeah i have, but I don't see her since I got switched into another bunk." I sigh, thinking of Poussey.

"Just try to find her and be with her, I have to go Analise. Chris is taking me out soon. I love you." I go silent for a few minutes.

"Ok sis.. I love you too. I'll see you this weekend right?" i hear her chuckle, knowing the answer is yes as a tone is played in my ear, indicating that she hung up. I sigh, placing the phone back on the wall. She hasn't been talking long since she got a new boyfriend, but she's young.


I walk down the hallway, looking at the other women in the prison, some of which i haven't seen since i got here. As i'm walking i hear yelling, crying, and whimpering. "Help.. please..." a familiar voice says. I rush over, going to stop the fight but once i run over there the girls have already disbanded, leaving a curled up girl in the corner.

I walk over slowly, reaching my hand out. "You ok?"

She slowly turns around, our eyes meeting. It was that one girl i saw in the hallway.

Her light green eyes dulled, a bruise starting to form around one. "You ok Emerald?" I get down on my knees and look at her closely, checking for any other bruises or cuts. She just grunts and struggles to get up.

I pull her up, wrapping her arm around my shoulder bringing her to Chapman, knowing she may have something for her.


Chapman applies a soft green cream onto her bruises, rubbing it in softly. She looks up at me and smirks. "She'll be fine, this should help with the swelling and bruising, but they'll still be here for a while." I nod and look at the girl. "You ok now?"

She takes a sip from the water that I got her, coughing slightly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks by the way." she gestures to Chapman. "No problem, now go." she says sternly, but i nod, grabbing Emerald by her wrist and pulling her out of the bunk.

"What was that about?" she asks, curious and kind of mad.

"She has a rep she needs to keep up. She's supposed to be a tough bitch around here apparently." I chuckle. She nods, understanding. "Is that why she makes creams?" she jokes, making both of us laugh. I look at her smiling, seeing a nice ass smile. She's so fine. She looks at me, catching me off guard and making my face go red.

"So, what's your real name Rose?" she asks. "Ana, Analise Brown." I smile at her. "What's yours?" She looks down, not wanting to say. "Jazlynn... Jazlynn Haynes..." she mutters.

"Jazlynn? I like it, better than mine at least." I smile at her. she looks up, shocked. "R-really?" I nod, making her smile. "Thank you..." I smile and hug her. "No problem Emerald." she chuckles. i pull away, only to look her in the eyes. Her green eyes light up, shining. They entrance me...

She stares into my light brown eyes, looking between the two. I glance down at her lips for a second before blushing, only to realize that she saw. She grabs my jaw and lightly plants a kiss on my lips, taking me by surprise. She pulls away after a few seconds, leaving me a blushing mess.

She smiles, getting up and walking away. "Thank you Analise."

A/N: Sorry for the short chapters, i've had really bad writers block and i don't know what to write about. How do ya'll feel about having another love interest? Let me know in the comments. I'm gonna try to get some concept art of the girls (Which i am currently working on).

Thanks for reading!

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