Chapter 5

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Poussey POV

"10... 11... 12... 13...14..." I count off as Janae does her daily exercises. It's been a few days since Ana left, so the dorm has been a little quiet. I only see her during lunch, but she hangs out with the white group so I can't really go talk to her. Not because they're white of course, but they just hog her...especially Nichols... I swear if that junkie touches my Angel... She'll be dead...


"Nicky for the last time, I'm not letting you get inside my pants." I groan, telling her that for the 10th fucking time. She whines, "C'mon Brown, just for 30 minutes?" she gets on her knees and actually starts begging. I sigh, "Nicky, you have plenty of toys in this prison, just get one of them to get you off." She goes quiet for a few minutes, then stands up and sneaks past the guard bubble and out of the dorm. I sigh but chuckle to myself, she's just one crazy Nymphomaniac huh?

I grab my toilet paper and walk up to the bubble, tapping on the glass to get the guard's attention. He looks at me and nods once, letting me walk out of the dorm. "every time you hurt me the less that I cry..." I sing to myself.

" You just had to sing a white ass song didn't you?" a soft voice says behind me.

I look behind me, seeing a small figure behind me. "Poussey?" i smile, embracing her in a hug. She chuckles, "you good??" i smile, nodding. "Yeah, my bunk mates are really fucking clingy so, sorry about not coming to see you.." she waves her hand slightly "You good Analise."

I smile as we walk down the hall silently. Once we reach the restroom, she walks in with a smirk. "What's that smirk for P?" i ask softly. She doesn't reply as i walk in behind her. I look into the dimly lit bathroom, not seeing her. "Poussey?" I walk around, actually trying to find her.

I walk by the stalls, nothing. I walk by the showers, nothing. I sigh, walking outside of the bathroom while looking around. "Ana?" a soft voice calls only for an arm to pull me back into the bathroom. "What the fuck?!" i exclaim only to see Poussey behind me once again. "You're such a dick!!" i pout, putting my hair in a ponytail. She chuckles. "I'm sorry Angel" i blush slightly at that nickname, causing her to smile.

Her hand touches my cheek, causing my cheeks to flare up even more. She drops her hand, only to walk out into the hallway, leaving me there dumbfounded. "fucking asshole..."



I'm so sorry ;-; i've had terrible writers block. this is just gonna be a filler chapter, not a lot. it kinda sucks so, sorry ;-;

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