Chapter 7

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Analise POV

After the nightmare, I've been shaken up... Even as I was walking down the hall, I jumped at every person that approached me. I was paranoid... not going to lie... She really hurt me, and now the nightmares are coming back...

As I'm walking, I bump into someone's chest, only to be knocked back slightly. I look up, seeing a girl with colored dreads. She has a noticeable scowl on her face and she looks pissed. I try to look away but her eyes catch me off guard. They're light green with golden flecks in them... they're so pretty...

"Watch where your going..." she states coldly, her voice deep and smooth. I don't reply as her eyes have me in a trance. I look at her in awe, her chiseled cheekbones and sleeve of tattoos catching my attention. Her lean body gives me an athletic vibe, not to mention she's taller than me, around maybe 5'8.

She looks at me, sizing me up slightly. "You just gonna stare or...?" she waves her hand in my face causing me to blink rapidly. "H-Huh?" My face reddens as I realize I was staring.

"Well... I'll see you around Lil Rose." She chuckles as she starts to walk away.

"That's not my name!" I yell after her. "I mean, your face says otherwise...Rose" she says cockily, causing my face to deepen. I glare at her, but later smirk causing her to become confused. "Alright Emerald, I'll see you at lunch..." She grins at my statement. "Where'd you get that from?"

I don't reply, I just winked and walked away leaving her to herself.

Poussey POV
she just walked away from her, heading to the cafeteria...wha-why is she heading there? My heart starts to pound as I follow her, walking behind her quietly. She heads to the back, into Red's office causing me to sigh. Maybe it was nothing... I'm just overthinking this...

Annalise POV
"Red I have something I need to ask you..." I play with my hands, showing obvious anxiety. "What is it?" Her thick Russian accent fills the office.

"Well, I kind of like someone...but I just met this one girl in the hallway and she is fine..." Red's eyebrow raises. "Go on"

"I'm just confused... I don't know if I like her or not..." She sighs. "Well Analise, don't worry. Relationships in prison aren't the best you know." She chuckles, showing a hint of sarcasm. She pays my back, sending me on my way.

I sigh, knowing she is right. I thank her and leave, seeing a figure exit the

Was someone listening?

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