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AN:: Hey guys!! before I start this new story, I just want to say that I haven't put my Daryl Dixon story on hold.. I'm still very involved in it and doing my best to actively update (:

But, I'm a die hard X-Men fan, and I loooove me some Wolverine ((Hugh Jackman, hubba hubba ;D)) and all these previews for the new movie coming out have inspired this idea. So I'll be going back and forth between updating each story (:


"There have been more and more reports of mutant sightings in Portland, as well as other cities all across the country..."

The news droned in the background of my room from my small, box TV with the fuzzy picture.

I could hear it and understand it, but mostly it was just noise... I was more focused on the purple pen that was laying on the desk in front of me.

My ice blue eyes were glued to it, and I thought hard, willing the pen to move.

I know, I sound crazy... But I swear to you, I'd done it before. Moved things without touching them, I mean... With my mind.

The problem was, I had no idea how I did it.

"Move..." I whispered to the pen, "Moooove..."

It didn't budge. I narrowed my eyes and tensed each muscle in my body, putting every last ounce of physical and mental energy I had into making that pen move... But I had no luck.

With a sigh of defeat, I flopped back in my chair and turned my eyes to the news. The anchor, a blonde woman with thin lips and dark eyes, was still talking about mutants.

"...Would like to warn the public that although most mutants look like regular people, they are very dangerous." The woman's voice was very serious, and she shuffled through some papers in front of her. " You are strongly advised to avoid the red areas, or Hot Spots, as shown on this map. These are the areas that mutants are most commonly seen... Parents are urged to keep children indoors after dark, and be sure to-"

I frowned as I reached up and pressed the power button at the bottom of my TV. Ever since the attack on the White House almost a month ago was linked to mutants, the United States was worked up into a frenzy.

All you could ever expect to hear on the news were stories about mutants who used their abilities to rob banks, steal cars, destroy public property... or even murder.

The previously peaceful world was now divided into two classes, human and mutant... and we were at war, whether we wanted to be or not.

I hated hearing about all the horrible things mutants did, because over the past two or three weeks, I had been showing signs that I was... one of them. A mutant.

As much as the idea terrified me, I was slowly coming to the realization that I couldn't change my DNA... So I would have to accept it, somehow.

I looked back at the pen, thinking that maybe if I tried to catch myself off guard I could trigger whatever it was that would make it move... Nothing. But I knew I could do it.

When it first happened two weeks ago, I had been in the family room folding laundry. Troy, my mother's angry, drunken boyfriend, had walked into the room and seen that one of his white t-shirts had been thrown in with the colors, and had been turned pale pink.

::X-Men:: In The Claws Of An Angel ::Wolverine::Where stories live. Discover now