Chapter Nine.

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"Just hand it to me."



It was about 8:15 in the morning, and I sat across from Logan at the small booth style table in my pajamas, attempting to eat breakfast. My three strips of bacon and english muffin with butter still sat on my paper plate in front of me, and I stared at them, trying to will myself to work up an appetite.

After being up all night with a case of insomia, though, my stomach wasn't really welcoming the thought of any sort of food.

Logan had a newspaper open to the Local Events and Activities page, and we each had a hot mug of coffee sitting in front of us. Logan had already finished his breakfast and sipped his coffee black, but I couldn't do that. I needed cream and loooots of sugar to make my coffee drinkable.

I'd been able to get the powdered creamer from the cabinet, but when I had asked for the sugar, Logan refused to give it to me unless I took it from him with my telekinesis. So, this little argument had been going on for over twenty minutes.

I hadn't been able to sleep for more than maybe an hour the night before, so I was groggy, sluggish, and in no mood to try and move things with my mind.

"I can't make it work right now," I tried to tell Logan as I swiped for the canister of sugar, but he just reached out and snagged it, pulling it closer to him without looking up from the paper. "My mind's like jello, if that's even possible."

"You're not always gonna feel your best when you have to use it." Logan informed me, folding the newspaper to the backside and giving it a flick to straighten it out, "So, go on. It's just a sugar shaker."

I groaned and pressed my palms to my tired, achey eyes. "My coffee's getting cooooollddd!"

I knew I sounded sort of whiney, but I didn't care. I was so tired, I looked like hell sitting there in my pajamas with my messy bed head and puffy eyes, and I just wanted coffee... But the sugar was being held hostage just four inches away from me.

I drooped my shoulders and flopped my head down on the table, away from my cup and plate, and let out a deflated sigh. I quickly snapped my hand up, trying to catch Logan off guard in a last attempt to grab the sugar, but he was too fast for me. He snatched the shaker and slid it in the opposite direction before sipping

his own coffee.

"Oh my god, you suck." I growled, letting my arm limply fall back down to my side with my head still on the table.

"Nice try." Logan said simply, flicking the paper one more time.

I thought about just giving up and going without the coffee, but in the back of my mind I knew that wasn't going to work. Not today.

So, finally after a few more seconds, I slapped both my palms onto the table and tossed my head of messy, dark hair back into an upright position.

"FINE." I yelled, giving into Logan's little game. "I'll try."

The smallest of smirks curved onto his lips as he glanced at me from whatever he was reading. He nodded for me to give it a go, keeping a loose grip on the container so I couldn't snatch it from him.

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