Chapter Sixteen.

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**I just want to warn everyone that this chapter contains graphic sexual content intended for mature audiences.

Please, if M rated material makes you uncomfortable or you are underage, do not read, or read at your own risk. Thank you!**

Three days pass...

| Ana |

Right now, life was absolutely perfect.

Logan and I were completely smitten about our newly discovered relationship, although I didn't really know if I was supposed to call him my "boyfriend" or something else that he'd prefer... "boyfriend" did sound a little juvenile...

Honestly, though, it didn't matter to me. As long as he kept on with those cute, subtle things.... Like reaching out to hold my hand when we walked on the beach or in the store together, or sneaking up behind me to hug me around my waist and rest his chin in the crook of my neck while I was doing dishes in the sink, or even just the simplest little kiss on the cheek...And, ya know, the steamy, heated make out sessions were a plus, too... I was happy.

Well, happy was an understatement. I was completely over the moon.

All this affectionate stuff was so new to me, I'd never really been this way with anyone before. Sure, I'd kissed some boys in my past years, had a few flings, and had lost my virginity... But I'd never felt so intimately connected with someone like I did to Logan.

Being around him now made my stomach twist into knots even more violently than they had before, and I could hardly keep my heart from bursting out of my chest when he got close to me... But it wasn't necessarily a bad thing...  I liked it. everything came so natural to me. Leaning my head on his shoulder when he sat next to me on the couch, playing with his fingers as he laced them in mine, all the while thinking of his razor-sharp claws beneath his skin in the back of my mind... I was just loving every minute of this.

Today had actually been different than the past few weeks we'd been living on the beach. The sky was gray and gloomy, the horizon almost black against the choppy waters. I remembered the weather man on the radio warning Tybee Island of a pretty bad storm brewing off the coast a few days earlier, but I wasn't too worried. How bad could it really get? It was already sort of late in the evening, probably around 11 or 12 PM, and we'd only gotten a sprinkle of rain so far. I was hoping it would just blow over.

I stood at the kitchenette counter in my pajamas; a pair of pink plaid sleep shorts, and a black tank top; humming quietly to myself as I finished up the dishes in the sink. When I was rinsing and drying the pans and glasses, my telekinesis took to stowing them away in the proper cabinets, opening and closing multiple doors at once. It was getting easier now to control my gift, and I was beginning to become much more thankful to have it.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swung open behind me, and my stomach fluttered as I caught a strong whiff of Logan's crisp, masculine smelling shower gel and cologne. I had totally forgotten he had stepped into the shower just a few minutes before, when I had started the dishes. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I listened to his heavy footsteps pad closer, until finally I could feel him right behind me.

Logan leaned down and placed his arms on either side of me, gripping the counter top and pressing his bare chest against my back. Goosebumps rose all over my body in a domino effect when I felt the scruff of his chest tickle my bare shoulders as he leaned down, his lips close to my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck, making my knees weak until finally he pressed his lips to the soft skin right below my earlobe. I had to bite my lip to keep from gasping loudly, feeling Logan trail soft, tender kisses down my neck and to my shoulder, each spot on my skin that he touched feeling like it was on fire. His left hand somehow found it's way to my waist without me noticing until now, gripping me gently and pulling me closer to him... His fingers wiggled and maneuvered until they found their way underneath the hem of my tank top, caressing the vulnerable skin of my lower stomach...

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