Chapter Thirteen.

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AN:: alright guys, thank you for all your opinions (: after giving it a lot of thought, I've decided to give Logan's POV a shot. Still, the majority of the story will be kept in Anabelle's POV. The Logan chapters/sections are mainly so you know how he feels about Ana and certain things that may happen.

I promise I'll keep him totally in character, and his POV will stay right on track with the plot of the story. I hope you all enjoy!






| Logan |

I had never really been a big fan of the beach. It's hot, and there's way too many people... But this little strip of sand Anabelle and I had stumbled across at the edge of Georgia... Well, it was pretty damn amazing.

There was a constant breeze, so even when the sun was shining down in the middle of the day, I could wear a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans, go for a walk in the sand and never break a sweat.

And ever since I'd learned that Anabelle was pretty much a beach fanatic, that's where we spent most of our time... On the sand, next to the water. It was always quiet, just us... Never another soul in sight, and that's exactly how I liked it.

I knew Ana felt the same way I did... I just flat out didn't like other people, but I could tell they made her anxious. So, each time I parked my old truck for us to set up camp, I made sure we were as far away from other people as possible. It was more for her comfort than mine.

From my shady seat in the sand underneath one of the willow trees, I stared down at the shore line where Ana was taking a stroll. She had the bottoms of her ripped up jeans rolled up just above her tiny ankles, letting the waves lap over her feet. She was getting better at using her telekinesis, so when she spotted a shell or a stone in the sand that she wanted to look at, she just levitated it into her palm.

It was pretty windy today, so no matter how many times Anabelle reached up to tuck her long, chocolate colored hair behind her ears, the breeze just swept it right back up.

I smiled to myself as I kept my eyes on her. We had been camping here on this beach for about a week and a half now, so her skin was turning a warm golden brown color, making her big blue eyes and perfect, pearly white smile sparkle even more than they did before.

I found my eyes glued to Ana more and more lately... Mostly when she wasn't paying any attention, like right now... Walking on the beach, or reading a magazine on the couch, or sitting next to me in the passenger seat of my truck. I knew I had a thing for her, there was no doubt about that. But it was different than any physical attraction I had ever felt before. It wasn't just that I thought she was pretty, which don't get me wrong, I definitely did... She was beyond pretty. It was more than that, though.

When I looked at her, something inside me tweaked. I just wanted to smile, and when she laughed... I swear, I melted like butter in a hot skillet. I was just drawn to her, from the very beginning that night in the bar, with a little help from that weird voice in my head... No one had ever made me feel that way before, and it sort of freaked me out.

Obviously, I had been interested in other women before... Y'know, your everyday blonde with a tramp stamp, hangin' around the bar late at night. Never the kind of woman you plan to keep around for more than a couple hours. For the past few years of my life, though, that kind of stuff had been the last thing on my mind. In fact, I hadn't had much interest in people in general, and lately I just preferred to be alone.

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