Chapter Four.

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"...So, come on doooown to Tom Sandy's discount auto lot, where our answer is always yes, yes, YES! Bad credit? No credit? Noooo problem...!"

An annoying, rambling radio commercial stirred me from my nap, but I didn't open my eyes just yet. Instead, I stubbornly furrowed my eyebrows and pressed myself into the hard interior of the door, trying to get farther away from the noise.

The man in the commercial babbled on about Fords, Nissans and Toyotas in his thick southern accent, giving anyone listening some very enthusiastic directions to his auto lot.

When I finally felt the truck slow to an idling stop, I reluctantly let my eyes blink open and take in my surroundings. There was Logan, of course, with one hand rested on the wheel and the other propped in the open window.

His tight white tank top hugged his chest and torso, showing off his tan, muscular arms. I could see a tufft of chest hair emerging from the neckline of the tank top... And it was the "just right, sexy" kind of chest hair... Not the "ew, that's a hair sweater" kind of chest hair. My eyes dropped down to his shiney metal dogtags, but I still couldn't read them...

"Mornin', sunshine." He said to me as he turned his head to the side.

I averted my eyes from his dogtags and felt myself blush as I looked into his smirking hazel eyes.

"Hey," I muttered a quiet but sincere greeting as I turned my gaze out the windshield. "Where are we...?"

The truck was stopped at a red light in the middle of yet another small town... This one looked a little more upscale, though. The buildings were taller, and there were definately more vehicles and people. I glanced at the green mini van sitting next to us at the light.

A soccer mom was singing in the driver's seat, bobbing her head all around to what I could only imagine to be a Pop or Rock song. In the backseat, a cheerful toddler kicked her legs excitedly as her mom danced.

A grin spread across my face as I turned my head forward again. The light for the turning lane next to us switched from red to green, and the mini van led a train of six cars in a turn to the right, into a Walmart parking lot.

"I don't know," Logan replied to my question as he tapped his thumb against the worn leather of the steering wheel, "Passed a sign a little while ago, but I can't remember. My memory's shit..."

He grumbled the last three words, sounding a little bitter. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and I could see he looked a little disgruntled... But as our light turned green and we accelerated down the road, that seemed to fade away.

The sun was low in the sky, giving everything in front of us a deep orange glow. Cars and trucks all around us began flipping their headlights on, it was about that time of day. Logan seemed to notice and turned the truck's lights on, too.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked as I peered at my reflection in the passenger side mirror.

My eyeliner was a little smudged and my hair could stand a brush, but otherwise it wasn't too bad to look at. I actually looked pretty rested, for once.

"Few hours." Logan said back, putting on his blinker and trying to merge into the left lane. "C'mon, asshole, get outta the way...!"

I peered over but I couldn't quite see what the other driver was doing to slow traffic.

"Old person?" I questioned, knowing how horrible the elderly were behind the wheel... Bless their hearts.

"Nah, idiot on a cell phone." Logan barked as he stared into his mirror, glancing up at the traffic in front of us periodically. He sighed, then clamped both hands firmly on the steering wheel, glancing over in my direction. "Hold on."

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