Chapter Eighteen.

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| Ana |

After a long, boring 8 hours of driving, stopping to pee at at least ten different gas stations and playing "I-spy-with-my-little-eye", Logan and I crossed over the Georgia / South Carolina line. The landscape didn't change much, same rolling country hills and thick trees. It was beautiful as the sun sank down below the Earth, casting a warm caramel glow over the grassy hills... But it wasn't anything compared to the white sandy beach. I felt a little deflated inside, but I tried not to show it... In my mind I knew we would never stay in one place for long, not even a place as gorgeous as Tybee Island, horrible storm or not. It was still disappointing, though.

"Where are we goiiing?" I groaned for probably about the tenth time as I restlessly pressed myself into the back of the passenger seat. "I'm so bored..."

Logan raised his eyebrow at me from the driver's seat, briefly glancing at me before turning his eyes back to the road, "I told you, I don't know yet. Just relax, will ya?"

I rolled my eyes and stared out the window, watching the small buildings pass by in a little run down town that I really hoped we were gonna just pass on through... The grungy look to the buildings and the questionable people made me a little antsy. This place definitely wasn't as friendly as some of the other places Logan and I had been.

"You hungry?" Logan asked me, and I nodded my head. It'd been a few hours since lunch. "What are you in the mood for?"

I chewed the bottom of my lip as I thought his question over, "Ummm... I dunno," I sighed in reply, "Something greasy, salty, and unhealthy."

Logan chuckled at my juvenile response, and merged into the left lane. "I saw a Sonic back that way," He jabbed his thumb at the road behind us, "How's that? Greasy, salty and unhealthy enough for ya?"

"Oooh, yea!" I agreed enthusiastically, feeling my eyes twinkle at the thought of the yummy fast food, "They have really good tater tots. And chocolate-cherry milkshakes. Let's go!"

"How'd I know you'd go for that?" My mutant partner asked me with a grin as he pulled into a turn lane and waited for traffic to pass so he could make a u-turn.

"'Cause you know the way to my heart is through junk food." I replied matter-of-factly, flashing Logan an innocent grin as he pressed the gas and propelled us toward the Sonic! Drive-in.






"Hi, welcome to our Sonic! Drive-in! Just press the red button whenever you're ready to order, and one of our groovy skating car hops will bring everything to your car! Thank you!"

The cheerful recorded greeting chirped at us through the speaker on the menu as Logan pulled up and parked next to it.

"Jesus, look at all this shit," Logan muttered as he squinted at the enormous menu, "What did you want again, Anabelle?"

"Hmmm..." I hummed as I leaned over across his lap to study all my options, smiling as I felt his hand reach up to the back of my head and affectionately stroke my hair, his fingertips traveling down to fiddle with the ends of the long locks. "Get meeee an order of cheezey-tots, a plain chicken sandwich with just ketchup, and a medium chocolate shake."

I leaned back in my seat, and Logan nodded his head to show me he'd registered my order in his head. After a few more seconds of deciding what he wanted, he pressed the red button, and placed our order.

"Okay, your total will be $20.16, we'll see ya in a few minutes car-side!" The young girl on the other end of the speaker finished up, before the sound clicked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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