Chapter One.

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-Seven months later.-


I could feel the warmth of sunshine on my face as my eyes creaked open from a less than peaceful slumber. I peered around me and saw the worn, old red leather interior of a truck.

I groaned, still half asleep, and rolled away from the hand on my shoulder that was gently shaking me. When I didn't sit up, the hand shook a little faster. "Miss?"

For some reason, that was enough to jar me completely awake. I bolted up-right in the seat, my eyes wide. I whirled my head to the left as the hand flew from my shoulder, and I saw a man in his late fifties wearing a straw hat, a pair of dusty overalls and a red flannel shirt. He was holding his hands up in front of him defensively, and I suddenly remembered where I was and how I got there.

The man's name was Otis, and he was a farmer from somewhere in the middle of Mississippi. He had been the only vehicle to stop for me as I thumbed my way down the interstate miles and miles back, which I didn't even know the name of... I just knew I was in Mississippi.

"Sorry, you startled me..." I grumbled to Otis as I rubbed my eyes, and he lowered his hands. "Are we still in Mississippi?"

"Just barely," The old farmer replied while opening the driver's side door, "This here's just a little town I get my chicken feed from, right on the state boarder... 'Fraid I ain't goin' much farther than this, fixin' to turn back for home once I get my feed."

I nodded and gathered my duffle bag from the passenger side floorboard, placing my hand on the doorhandle.

"That's alright." I said to Otis as I popped the door open, "You've already been a big help. I'd still be stuck back there on the interstate if you hadn't of stopped for me. I can figure something out from here."

"You sure you're gonna be okay, miss?" He asked me from across the bench seat of the truck. He knew my name was Anabelle, but still called me 'Miss'. "You got family 'round these parts or somethin'?"

I tried to hide the sadness in my smile as I flashed it over to the farmer.

"No, but I've been on my own for a while now... I'll manage."

Otis looked genuinely concerned, but only responded with a simple nod of his head.

With that, each of us hopped out of the truck, and slammed our doors shut. It was about mid-morning, judging by the position of the sun in the sky, not to mention the heat it was casting down on us. I squinted a little bit under the bright rays.

I took a second to take in my surroundings. We were parked out in front of a large blue building that looked a little like a barn. Right above the door was a sign that read 'Corey's Farm Mart'.

The feed store seemed to be located right in the middle of the quaint little town. There were people roaming the sidewalks, peeking into store fronts or deciding on a place to eat for lunch.

Tall, leafy trees casted shade over cars and trucks parallel parked in the streets, next to the sidewalk. It was such a cozy little place, it felt full of life, and all its people seemed so happy... I felt a pang of sadness in my heart, knowing I didn't fit into a place like this.

I took one last glance at Otis's old red pick up truck before bidding him farewell, and turning on my heel to leave... But I didn't take even one step before he called out to me.

"Be careful in your travels, now," He said to me, "There's a lot of weirdos out there."

I didn't say anything back. Instead, I just nodded my head, waved to Otis, and went along my way.

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