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Asdfghjkl 3k+ words? The longest ever

One of the hooded man charges towards Zero,his right hand forward for a punch. But Zero was quick enough to dodge the punch and kicking him instead.

The fight soon turned rough but Zero still managed to remain alive, thanks to his fighting skills.

Wait,I am no longer a ordinary girl here. I am an operative too.

So it's my duty to help Zero

I look around trying to find any object to hit the men but the roof was dead clean. Finding no other ways, I pick up a small flower tub from the ground.

It's not possible to win one against ten. So I see Zero soon getting tired after knocking five men already. He pants heavily and rests his arms to his thighs for a while. But the other men didn't even give him the opportunity and started to charge towards him together.

I manage to sneak behind the men and raise the flower tube on my hands.

Head would be to sensitive

Then the spine it is


Silently I see one of the man lying on the ground with his hands on his back. The other four men stopped on their tracks, looking at me in wide eyes.I watch the man lying in the ground in pity.

Too bad.I hope his spine tail didn't break

"What are you looking at? Attack the girl!!!"

The leader's voice echoed on my ears and I saw all the four men running towards me. Before I can do anything,Zero swifty manages to knock out the men from behind.

"Good bye fetus!"

I turn around and see the leader  throw something towards Zero.Then I hear a painful groan coming from Zero's lips.I stare wide eyed to Zero who seemed to becoming unconscious.

I rush to him and catch him in my both arms. His eyes were blank, like he was unable to see anything and his whole body was shaking vigorously.My eyes fall on his legs and that's when I realized that the leader guy threw an injection towards Zero.

I pull out the injection gently from his skin which made Zero groan again. I inspected the injection closely.

It doesn't seem like an ordinary one

What if they mixed something with the injection to make him paralysed like in the movies?

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