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Some hooded man around 10 in numbers enters the room we were guarding at. Their pair of eyes bore towards us, like they were already expecting us. I glance at Four,his eyes with the same expression.

"It's nice to meet you again, killer."

My eyes widen at one of the hooded man's word. He was calling Four a killer. But to my surprise, Four remained calm.

"You too, fucker."A smirk creeps upon Four's face after he speaks the last words. He receives a glare from the hooded man standing opposite to him.

Without words, the man charges infront of us alone. Four swiftly twists his right arm and kicks him in the leg harshly.

And then the battle begins.

It wasn't easy for Four to manage since he was alone. And here I'm like a useless person, doesn't even know how to fight.

But it's worth a try right?

I drag one of the man's hoodie who was getting ready to attack my teammate. He was surprised at my behavior since he offered me a blank look.

I punch him square on the face, earning a groan of pain. He stumbles but manages to stand up again and glares at me intensely.

That glare won't scare me

I won't stand down without a fight,bitch

I didn't know from where my confidence came. I again charge to punch infront of the man. But the man was careful enough to move away.

He's moving to the right

Then I'll kick him instead

I lift my right leg to kick the man. But what I wasn't expecting was the man turning towards me, which resulted my leg to land on his crotch instead. He moans loudly in pain this time.

Omg I didn't mean to kick there

That was a strong kick though

I cover my mouth in shock. The man was on the floor already, crawling painfully. His moans catches the other hooded men's eyes. Their pair of glares pierces through mine and they exchange a knowing glance with each other, making me frustrated.

Now I wish Six was here

Two hooded men slowly steps towards me, their large figures towering over me gradually. I quickly do my inner calculations.

They will probably try to grab me since they can't punch or kick me

In that case I need to dive down

As soon as they jump over me, I bend down causing them to miss their target which is me. They stumble over and I quickly toss to the side. I kick them right after.

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