Chapter 1 B and E

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This edition first published in 2014

Copyright © Hiddem

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any person or entity, including internet search engines or retailers, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying(except under the statutory exceptions provisions of the Australian Copyright Act 1968), recording, scanning or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of Hidden.

Author: Heartfeather 2000-

Title: Hidden

Edition: 1st ed.

Target Audience: For High School Age


Dylan Roberts walked alone under the full moon, in the dark empty streets. Shadows swirled teasingly in the corners of the buildings that had long since been abandoned, trying to reach out and grab whoever walked by. He shivered and hugged the folder to his chest, to protect it from the pelting down rain. Dylan sped up his pace when he heard a splash of feet in a puddle. Why did I even accept this job? Two teenage girls hiring me, what on earth had I been thinking? He quietly grumbled in his mind. Another splash of foot steps made Dylan turn around to check to see if anyone was behind him. Just like all the other times he had checked on that dark evening, the streets were abandoned and he was alone. He turned back around and slammed right into a strong, hard chest.

"Hello Mr Roberts." The man said his rough, course voice filling the empty streets. Then with one silent swipe the blade in the mans hand slid along Dylan's throat. Warm blood flowed down his suddenly cold neck as he fell to the ground. His eyes rolled back in his head and the rain helped create a circle of red around the young investigator. His eyes lost their spark of life and his skin grew colder by the second, then his last breath left his lungs and he faded into the darkness of his mind.


The frying pan flew across the room and embedded itself in the wall next to Anne's head. Louise covered her mouth in shock.

"Sorry, I thought you were my brothers!" Louise nearly shrieked, apologising.

"What did they do this time?" Anne asked in a chiding tone, while Louise stuffed the rest of the cupcake into her mouth.

"They were trying to steal my cupcake." Louise said innocently with her mouth full of food.

"And that's an excuse to throw a freaking frying pan at them?" Anne asked, Louise nodded. Anne yanked the frying pan out of the wall, leaving an excessively large hole in the wall.

"What are your parents going to think about this?" Louise smiled and picked up a framed picture of stone henge and hung it in front of the hole.

"Mm hmm and what happens if they want to take the picture down?"

"I'll have it fixed by then!" Louise said confidently.

"Sure... And how do you expect to pay for this?" Anne asked, motioning to the gaping hole. Louise opened and closed her mouth several times like a gold fish.

"Uh huh, yep. That's exactly what I thought." Louise's shoulders sagged.

"I'm in deep trouble aren't I?" Louise said in a defeated tone, Anne put her arm around Louise's shoulder and and smiled.

"Don't worry chicka you'll live through it." Anne encouraged. Louise smiled and they walked into the lounge room, and sat down on the couch. Anne turned the TV on, and started flicking through the channels.

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