Chapter 5 Hole in the wall?

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The girls walked through the hole in the wall, torches lighting up as they walked down the flight of stairs. The room they walked into was filled with old books on dusty shelves and ancient pottery set in a decorative order. There were three hallways leading to other rooms but for the moment the were stuck in awe and amazement.

"Louise why didn't you tell me you had a secret room under your house?" Anne asked absently.

"Because even my house is keeping secrets from me." Louise breathed. They snapped out of their daze and walked up to the books. "It's all on magic." Louise pulled out a fragile book and started reading. "Look I found more on alchemy." Anne rolled her eyes.

"You and your alchemy. What I want to know is why there is a room -a secret room- under your house full of... This?" Anne said waving her hands at everything. She walked up to a vase with an ancient painting on it. The creature it showed was monstrous, it had a large thick lizard tail with deadly spikes poking out of it. Equally large spikes shot up from is bak. It stood on two legs its stance soldier like. It's gaping mouth dripped acid, lizard like scales covered it's body and bulged with muscle. Floating above it was a single eye ball it's pupil large and black. It stared down at the people below thick veins hanging from it as if it had been ripped out of the creature it hovered above. Blood dripped from the slashes and gashes that covered the eye. The girls shivered as they stared at the creature imagining it's hand reaching out to them.

"Anne are you alright?" Louise asked, freaking out herself.

"Fine, just a very creepy sense of familiarity about this image of a freaky deaky floating eyeball." Anne replied sarcastically still slightly dazed with the sense of déjà. Anne pulled a mini camera out of her pocket and took a photo of the vase.

"Why does this all feel so familiar?" Louise asked picking up another book. Then they both froze realising something. "Wait what are my parents going to say about this."

"Um, for now we can just put the book case back to hide the hole." Anne suggested.

"But how are we going to access it then?" Louise asked, deep in thought.

"What time do your parents get home?" Anne asked, Louise looked down at her watch.

"Ah about ten minutes." She answered.

"Yikes! We gotta scram!" Both girls yelped, and scrambled up the stairs. They arrived back in the lounge room, and noticed the mess.

"You grab the books, I'll put the book shelf back up." Anne instructed, and heaved the book shelf back up. Louise collected the books, stuffing them in random places.

"What do we do about the pottery?" Louise asked.

"Umm, I dunno!" Anne screeched in panic.

"Alchemy would be really handy right now." Louise commented.

"Not the time for alchemy comments!" Anne yelled, pacing back and forth in front of the book shelf.

"Why don't we put it back?" Louise suggested.

"Yeah, that'd be a good idea genius, except the fact that the pottery is broken!" Anne screeched.

"Watch the frequency of your screeching!" Louise yelled back.

"Well, help moi!" Anne yelled back.

"We're back girls!" Louise's mums voice echoed.

"Run!" They yelled, and sprinted to Louise's room, and jumped onto Louise's bed. They bounced, and attempted to keep their laughter under control.

"What have you two troubles been doing?" Louise's mum asked.

"Nothing!" They said in unison.

"Hmm, your sounding very suspicious you two." Louise's mum commented.

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