Chapter 8 Haunted

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The music pounded in the girls ears as the next song blared, it vibrated in the ground up through their feet and their hearts pounded in time with the music. The girls swayed their hips from side to side and spun around to the music. They bounced on their feet in time to the beat. Someone came up behind Louise and out their hands on her hips to stop her movements. She spun around to face the person and put her hand up to their neck holding her swiss army knife.

'Not how you planned?' Louise asked in her mind as the man with platinum blonde hair tensed, all to aware of the blade next to his neck.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"When I hear a small squeaking annoying voice in the back of my mind I know it's you." Louise snapped. Messenger growled and swiped away Louise's hand. She spun around and stumbled back as Messenger landed and elbow to her chest. Anne steadied her and the girls took a step back. The crowd around them was oblivious to this all and kept dancing like nothing was wrong. The girls glanced around and noticed Ivory had disappeared.

"What are you going to do now? Your body guard is gone, your defenceless and surrounded." Suddenly the music stopped and everyone stopped dancing. The room become dark and the girls could only just make out the outlines of the people surrounding them. The dancers eyes glowed red and they all turned to face Anne and Louise. The girls stepped back in fear but their backs hit the now cold cement wall. Something thick warm slid down their backs and the walls. A coppery smell filled the room. The girls jumped back from the wall as someone's blood soaked their shirts. The girls heard something scuttle along the ground, in the dim light the girls could see black bugs crawling along the ground and up their legs. They kicked them off but more and more kept coming. They crawled up their legs and over their skin their tiny legs flittering over the sensitive hairs on the girls arms. Then the bugs bit down their tiny razor teeth tearing through the girls skin and burying themselves in their bodies.

"Scarabs!" Louise shrieked and panicked.

"Run!" Anne yelled, suddenly everything went black.

"Anne where are you!?" Louise yelled.

"I'm right next to you!" Anne yelled back.

"I can't see." Louise whimpered.

"Same." Anne whimpered. The girls felt around, when they came into contact with each other they yelped in fright.

"Was that you?" Anne asked.

"Yeah." Louise said. They clutched each others hands, and held each other close. Suddenly everything went quiet, the scarabs retread and they heard a guns safety click off.

"Was that a gun?" Anne asked.

"I wish it wasn't." Louise whispered. Their sight came back and before them stood Eli and Oliver. The boys had guns in their hands.

"Eli? Oliver?" Louise asked her brothers who were deaf to the world. They pointed at the guns at Louise and Anne.

"Well, isn't this just great, now your gonna piss her off." Anne muttered. Louise glared into the darkness.

"Come out and fight us you coward!" Louise yelled into the darkness. Anne tensed at what the boys did next.

"Louise." Anne whispered, Louise ignored her and continued glaring into the darkness.

"LOUISE!" Anne yelled. Louise spun back around and looked at her brothers. Eli and Oliver had put each other at gun point. The twins had their guns pointed at each other.

"Eli! Oliver!' Louise yelled and ran towards them. A pit of acid appeared in front of her. Louise ignored it and ran towards Eli and Oliver. Anne noticed that the acid didn't burn, she thought about it, and it all seemed illogical. This was all an illusion. Messenger had mind magic, so it was possible he was using it to create an illusion but, that didn't mean that the boys weren't real.

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