Chapter 9 Puppy

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"Wake up! wake up!!!" Anne said as she jumped up and down on Louise's bed. Louise groaned.

"Go away!!!"

"But I'm bored and I have already let you sleep and extra hour." Anne whined.

"I'm still sleepy." Louise moaned.

"I'm not your mum, so get up!" Anne yelled, she grabbed her biggest pillow and started swinging. After a good thirty hits and a minute of effort Louise grabbed the pillow throwing a it back at Anne.

"Who spiked your drink this morning?" Louise asked grumpily.

"I just have unused energy that needs an outlet." Anne said with smug satisfaction.

"And that outlet is me?" Louise asked disbelievingly.

"Yep!" Anne said popping the 'p'.

"I can't believe your the same person who said those wise words last night." Louise said shaking her head.

"Are you saying something?" Anne said glaring at her friend with her hands in her hips.

"What if I am?" Louise challenged with a smirk. Both girls glared at each other trying to keep a straight face, but both girls started laughing at the same time.

"Girls! Breakfast!" Louise's mum called.

"Food!" The girls yelled and dashed down the hall way. They sniffed the air and sighed happily.

"Bacon and eggs with a side of hash browns." Louise said, her stomach grumbling noisily. They grinned ear from ear. Louise went to snatch a piece off of the plate but, her mum moved the plate.

"Hey!" Louise said frowning.

"Wake your brothers up first." He mum instructed. Louise grumbled and started walking to her brothers room. She grabbed the nearest pillow and looked at the boys.

"Eenie meeni miny mo." Louise said pointing to her brothers. Anne picked up a pillow as well.

"Same time." They said simultaneously. They both brought their pillows up and slammed them down hard on the boys stomachs. The boys sat up, if they were standing up they would've been doubling over. The girls smiled and ran out of the room.

They rounded the hall way corner just as a nerf gun bullet whizzed past their heads. They laughed like maniacs. Louise grabbed a back pack, stuffing two jackets, two water bottles, snacks and a drawing book with pens in. Anne grabbed their share of the breakfast, wrapped it in tin foil and stuffed it in the back pack. The girls raced to Louise's room, getting changed into track pants and long sleeved tops. They raced outside after putting sand shoes on. The crisp morning air biting at their skin. The girls raced to the park, Anne beat Louise there by a hundred meters.

"You've gotten way faster." Louise breathed, the girls slowly getting their breaths back. They sat on the swings, and pulled the tin foil out of the back pack.

"Here you go." Louise said handing Anne her share of the bacon and hash browns.

"Thanks." Anne said, eating the still warm food.

"Why don't you like eggs again?" Louise asked through a mouthful of food.

"Don't speak with your mouth full, and chew with your mouth closed." Anne said after finishing her mouthful. Louise made a point of chewing exaggeratedly. Anne rolled her eyes and started to swing back and forth.

"So, let's go over the types of magic we know of, maybe we should write it down in the journal." Anne sighed. When Louise didn't respond Anne looked up.

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