Hello, again. [angst and fluff]

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[Y/N] = your name
[B/F/N] = best friend's name
[E/BF] = ex-boyfriend's name
[Y/F/C] = your favorite chips
[Y/F/DM] = your favorite Disney Movie

As [Y/N] walked around the streets of Gotham, letting the night's cold air touch her soft skin, she was approached by a man dressed in black that has been following her since she came out of [B/F/N]'s house.
He stood there in front of her, holding a knife in his hand. Sure, it was small, but it could make a huge difference to her soft and sensitive skin.

[Y/N] froze in fear as the man moved closer to her, slowly removing his black hoodie that protected him from the cold. Her eyes widen in surprise as she finally found out who it was.

"[E/BF]," you whispered as he moved the knife he was holding closer to your skin.

"[Y/N]," he smirked. "Oh, how I've missed you."
"Get away from me," She demanded, making [E/BF]'s smirk grown wider across his cold face.

"And why would I want to do that?" He teased, his grin growing as he watched the girl in front of him shiver in fear.

Just before [Y/N] could answer, she saw a tall figure pass behind [E/BF]. [E/BF] looked behind him, his grin fading away as he tried to look for what captured [Y/N]'s attention. He looked back at her.
"What did you see, hm?" He asked, placing the blade on her face. "W-why are you doing this?" [Y/N] stuttered.

He grinned once more. "If you won't answer my question, I might as well answer yours," he started. "You left me, [Y/N]. You fucking left me!" He screamed in anger, making her look away for a second. He grabs her face with his hand, the blade still on her skin.

"And you have to pay for that," he said, the tone of his voice stiffening.

"And you were a fucking physco! Don't expect me to just let some drunk and crazy guy be the man I would so call love!" [Y/N] shot back, emphasizing the word 'love' as she accidentally made the blade on her face cut her. She hissed at the pain and held her hand to the long cut on her face.

Before he could laugh and rant about how stupid she is at her, someone punched him from behind.

"Agh!" He grunted, letting go of the weapon he was holding. When [E/BF] turned around, his eyes narrowed. The Red Hood was standing there with his AK-47 pointing at Gotham's dark sky.

"I don't think you should be doing that around here, around this time," Red Hood joked. "And what do you think will make me listen to you?" [E/BF] yelled as he gripped his knife. "Yeah, like yelling at the guy who's holding the AK-47," Red Hood said sarcastically. (You'll get it if you watched the movie or read the comics 😂)

[E/BF] charged at him with his fist out and his knife pointing at the tall man and punched him. The Red Hood didn't flinch at [E/BF]'s so called 'punch'. He instead grabbed his wrist and stopped the knife from reaching his stomach. [E/BF]'s eyes widen in fear, knowing that he'd be lifeless in a second.

The Red Hood held him close to his face. "Now get lost, you little piece of shit," he demanded, punching his stomach hard before letting go of him and leaving him in pain on the dirty sidewalk.


The Red Hood saw [Y/N]. She was sitting on the ground, scared and cold. She hissed every time she would remove her hand from her wound and the air would hit her scar. He walked to her. " [Y/N]..." he sighed as he held his hand out to her. She looked up at him and and took his hand, gripping it tight.

"Who are you?" [Y/N] asked, looking at him. "Y-you won't believe me if I told you," he explained.
"I will. I promise." She said. Her soothing voice made his jaw tense. He missed her voice, her love. He missed HER.

He sighed before taking his helmet off. [Y/N] gasped and stepped back a little.

As soon as he took off his helmet, memories came flying back in.


When [Y/N] walked in the Batcave, drssed in her Batgirl costume, Bruce's cowl was on the ground and his head were in his hands.

"Bruce...?" She asked with worry clearly in her voice. Bruce looked up at the 14-year-old girl. He sighed.

"Bruce..? What's happening?" She asked again. "I really don't know how to explain this, but.." he stopped. He looked at her and she looked really worried.

"But.. Jason is- is-", he was stopped. "He is what?" [Y/N] asked, worry filling her eyes. "Gone," Bruce finally said. [Y/N] shook her head multiple times as she held it.

"No, no, no, NO!" She yelled with rage "He- he can't be," she sat down, crying really hard.

"WHO DID THIS?!" The Batgirl yelled once more. Bruce then looked at the screen of the Batcomputer. It showed Joker's file. [Y/N] quickly stood up, making the seat she was sitting on fall to the ground. She felt only two emotions. Sadness and anger.

But [Y/N] couldn't do anything but run up to her room and cry. She hugged her pillow as she sobbed. She looked to her side and saw a picture if her and Jason. Instead of crying more, she used her arm to push the framed picture off her side table. At this point, she was full of rage. She wanted to scream all these profanities, but nothing came out.

>>End Of Flashback<<

"J-Jason?!" [Y/N] asked in surprise.
"I- I can explain. I--" Jason was cut off by the touch of [Y/N]'s lips on his. At first, he was shocked, but immediately calmed down, knowing it WAS her. It was HER he was kissing.

"I- I missed you," she said as she pulled away, holding his face with tears starting to form in her eyes. Her tears were full of emotions. Shocked, sad, happy, confused.

Jason placed his hand on her cheek and gently stroked her face with his thumb. [Y/N] put both her hands on his. She felt safe. She felt home. She put her hand of Jason's chest. The feel of her touch was one of the best feelings in the world in Jason's opinion. He felt the same feelings she felt when she feels his touch.

"I missed you, too, [Y/N]," Jason smiled. It was one of the softest smiles ever. It made her heart melt. His smile was the sweetest things ever.


The 24-year-old woman lead Jason into her apartment as she kicked her boots off and placed it in her shoe rack. She then placed her bag down on her small dining table before she walked to the kitchen.

She felt two strong arms wrap around her waist as she filled a pot with water. She smiled and giggled before turning around to see Jason. He kissed her passionately. "You don't know how much I missed you," Jason said.

"And you don't how much I missed you," [Y/N] replied back, emphasizing 'I'. "I love you very much, Jason Todd."
"And I love you," he smiled, kissing her again.


3 hours later, [Y/N] and Jason are on the couch. [Y/N] was dressed in her t-shirt and sweatpants with her head resting on Jason's chest and his arms are wrapped around [Y/N]'s waist. There were dirty plates on the coffee table and a bag of [Y/F/C] in her hands as they were watching [Y/F/DM].

[Y/N] slowly falls asleep in Jason's arms. He removed the bag of chips from her hands and set it on the table before kissing her forehead. As she slept, Jason turned the T.V. off and carried her bridal style from the living room to her bedroom.

He made her lie down on the queen-sized bed. He then removed his brown leather jacket and cuddled up next to her. He again, let her head rest on his strong chest. He watched her sleep before kissing her cheek and falling asleep next to the love of his life.

Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now