The Letter [angst]

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[Y/N] = your name
[Y/N/N] = your nickname


Hey... I know it's been a year since... you know what. But I'm just here to say... I miss you... terribly. I miss the way you cuddle with me, how you curl your fingers into my hair when you've had a bad day, your adorable smile and laugh... I miss your everything.

I know I was the one who pushed you away, but I've just been so, so tired and sad and depressed. I need you in my life right now, [Y/N/N], my babygirl. You keep me together. You build me up higher and stronger.

What I'm trying to say is, I love you and I need you.

You may not need me, or even think of me anymore, but I just wanted- no, needed to let you know.

- Jaybird


When [Y/N] got the letter in the mail, it was a horrid day. It was her seventh late of the month, it rained on the way home, but she had no umbrella, and suddenly got her period without her even knowing.

[Y/N] didn't bother reading the letter. She just placed it on her coffee table, and lit the fireplace. She took a showed, changed into her raindeer onesie and made some hot cocoa. (MERRY CHRISTMAS BTW 💕💕)

By the time she came back to her living room, [Y/N] didn't see the letter. "What the hell?" she said.

The girl then put her mug down, and started to search for her ex lover's letter to her. But then she noticed a tall, black figure. [Y/N] quickly got her fire pick and aimed it at the man.

"Who the fuck are you, and how the hell did you get in?" the girl bodly asked.

"Awe, it's not nice to swear during the Christmas season; Santa might put you on the naughty list."

Without hesitation, [Y/N] threw the stick into the man's eye, though it caused him to shoot the gun he was holding. [Y/N]'s eyes trailed down to the bloody part of her onesie, screaming as she held the bullet wound on her chest.

Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now