Scared [angst]

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[Y/F/S] = your favorite song


Jason had just come home from his nightly patrols. Once he reached your guys' apartment, he knew something was off. The living room's lights were off, and you would normally keep them on when Jason wasn't there. He didn't hear [Y/F/S] blasting through the speakers.

Jason quickly took his keys out, put it through the keyhole, before finally opening the door. He was then greeted by blood on the walls, shattered glass on the floor, and crying coming from the bedroom.

"[Y/N]?" He shouted, running towards the muffled cries. His eyes widened as his heart shattered when he saw you. Your hands were tied, your mouth was covered, and your eyes were red. You were crying really hard, saying "help" every few seconds

Jason quickly untied the rope that was keeping your hands together, and removed the blood covered cloth from your mouth. When you finally opened your blood-shot eyes and saw him, you backed up.

"Y-you! G-get away from m-me!" You shouted, backing up into the corner you were found in.

"[Y-Y/N], w-what do you mean? I-it's me, it's Jason.. your Jaybird," he cried.

"Y-you're t-the one w-who did t-this to me!" you shouted again. "You're the one w-who sprayed me with that gas of y-yours! Y-you're the one with the red helmet! Y-you're the o-one who--" you didn't even finish. You started to cry again, hugging your knees to your chest.

Jason immediately thought of Scarecrow and his Fear Toxin. "But, [Y/N]--" Jason cut himself off, finally realizing what you meant.

You were scared of him.
You were scared of the Red Hood.
You were scared of your own boyfriend.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" you screamed, getting up and running out of the bedroom, and out if the apartment, leaving Jason with a broken heart.

Jason fell to his knees and cried like he never cried before. His shattered heart broke more, knowing that since he told you about him being the famous Red Hood, made you scared of him.

Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now