I'm sorry.. [angst]

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[Y/N] = your name
[L/N] = your last name
[Y/B/D] = your birthday


Jason walked outside to the garden of Wayne Manor with a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hand. He was wearing his hood up, he didn't want anyone to see him there.


[Y/N] [L/N]
[Y/B/D] - 2018
Loving Daughter and Loving Girlfriend

It said on the stone.
Jason fell on his knees and eventually started to cry. He couldn't stop. He couldn't bare to think of what happened. He didn't want to ask.

"I'm sorry," Jason muttered, still crying. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you.." he cried.



The Red Hood and Batgirl were patrolling the streets of Gotham, the crime filled city. They were looking for a group of Joker's thugs.

But the Batgirl found someone better, the Joker himself. Without thinking, she got her batarang out and threw it at the green-haired clown prince of crime. She missed, and blacked out as she did.


[Y/N] found herself in a warehouse and the Joker in front of her with a crowbar in his hand. He gave her a grin before breaking the silence.

"Ah, [Y/N] [L/N]! The Batgirl! I'm glad to finally meet you!" The Joker laughed, while [Y/N] glared at him. "What do you want?!" She yelled, but that caused the man in front of her to hit her stomach with his crowbar.

Jason finally woke up after being knocked out by Joker. He saw [Y/N] with her hand and feet tied with ropes. "You son of a bitch! I'll fucking kill you!" Jason threatened, but Joker only laughed harder.

"I just wanted to feel how it felt again when I did this to you. I wanted history to repeat itself somehow," Joker smiled.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER!" Jason yelled once more. "I think it's a little too late for that," Joker swung the crowbar for ir to hit your back hard.

Jason watched in horror. He didn't want to see you like this. He tried so hard to untie the ropes that was forcing him to keep back, but failed.

The criminal just kept on beating you up, receiving screams and cries in return.
After a while, Joker dropped the crowbar and tirned to Jason. "Did you enjoy the show, Red?" He joked, his grin growing bigger and laughed. "Anyways, we'll have to leave now, my plan is not yet done," he informed Jason.

Jason tried to fight back as he felt Joker drag him outside the abandoned building, but didn't succeed, for he was too weak.

Jason screamed and cried [Y/N]'s name over and over again before an 'I love you' left his mouth before his killer made him lean against a tree.

"I want you to know how it felt when Batsy saw the building you were in explode. I want you to feel the pain Batsy felt after he saw his Robin die," he whispered into Jason's ear with a smile on his pale face.

Jason wanted to shoot and kill him, but it was too late. As the timer hit zero, the warehouse exploded.

》End of Flashback《


"I'm sorry, baby. I'm very sorry.." Jason said as a tear fell onto the soil which covered [Y/N]'s coffin. He set the flowers down, lit the candles up and placed a picture of his lover on their first date.

Henlooooooo. I know this is really short, but that was all I could honestly think of. Anyways, if you want a part 2, I'd gladly make one up :D

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