You're The Only One [angst and fluff]

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[Y/N] = your name


[Y/N] didn't know about Jason's double life. She didn't know that her lover was Robin, or the Red Hood. All she knew was that he was hers.

[Y/N] and Jason were sitting on the couch. Jason was watching the News, until news about Red Hood came up. He quickly changed the channel.
[Y/N] saw the masked man on TV, and told Jason to go back. Jason groaned, but went back to the channel anyways.

[Y/N] bit her lip as she thought about the masked vigilante. "He's hot, I mean, just look at those thighs!" She exclaimed, admiring Red Hood.

Jason blushed, for his girlfriend was practically complimenting him. But he decided to play it off cool, and agree to whatever she was saying about him. "He does seem hot," he agreed, making [Y/N] giving him a questioning look.

"You're not gonna get jealous? Or mad?" She asked. Jason shook his head no. "I'm actually surprised," [Y/N] replied to his simple gesture.

"You want to know why?" Jason asked suddenly. [Y/N] nodded, turned the TV off and looked at her beloved boyfriend. "Well, uh- I- uhm-," he stuttered.

"Just spit it out already! I'm very curious why you're not like how you usually act when I compliment other guys!" [Y/N] said.

Jason didn't reply, for he didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. [Y/N] went suspicious, and stood up from the couch.

"Are you cheating in me?" She asked with her eyes narrowed. Jason jumped up immediately, denying her thought. "Of course not! Why would I cheat on someone like you?" He replied, scared that [Y/N] would not believe him, and that she would leave.

"Maybe because you found someone more beautiful! More fit.. more intelligent.." [Y/N] said, tears forming in her eyes. "Maybe you found someone who is less dramatic.. less demanding... " she started to cry. The girl fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands.

Jason couldn't bare to watch her cry. He couldn't. He went up to the sobbing woman, and hugged her tightly. [Y/N] hugged back, and continued to cry into Jason's strong chest. Jason kissed the top of her head.

"I'm sorry.. I know you would never do anything like that.. I know you would never keep secrets from me.." [Y/N] said softly. Jason sighed. He was supposed to tell her that he was the Red Hood, but he thought it would make the situation worse.

"Is anything wrong...?" [Y/N] asked, her voice muffled, since her face was still buried in Jason's chest.

"No.. but there's something you need to know.." Jason paused for a bit, before speaking once more. "Baby, you know that you're my only one. You're my everything, [Y/N]. Nothing's going to change the fact that you're beautiful, smart, and sexy," Jason
smirked, making his lover laugh a bit.

Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [One Shots]Where stories live. Discover now