Chapter 3 Annabeth Chase and the Last Olympian

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Chapter 3

The next day I woke up feeling a little better. I was planning on going to talk to Percy, and maybe, just maybe telling him how I feel. Obviously he wasn't going to make the first move. The wimp. I didn't find him in his cabin so I decided to go as Chiron after wandering around aimlessly hoping to run in to him. "Hey Chiron, where's Percy, I need to talk to him." A few of the campers around smirked at me, which cause me to blush. "Annabeth no one knows where he is, we've been looking all morning." Chiron said sadly. "But how can he be miss- Chiron cut me off. "Mrs. O'Leary is gone aswell." Figures, he's such a seaweed brain. "He'll probably turn up soon then, right?" I asked. "We can only hope, though I'd like to think he's safe with her." I nodded and walked away thinking. Mrs.O'Leary was a HelHound though a friendly HelHound. Pretty much a giant dog, that belonged to Daedalus before he died.


Days started getting worse as I got more worried about Percy. What if he actually took my advice and decided to run after Rachel. The thought hurt me but it was a possibility. He could be trying to prove me right about the whole coward thing. I really hope he wasn't with that red headed mortal. She was such a little know it all, and she nearly got us killed. ... Killed ... What if Kronos found Percy, and he's trapped? What if they kill him? Before I knew it tears were comming to my eyes again. I've been crying alot lately...


"CHIRON!" I screamed running to find him in the big house. "Annabeth dear, what is it?" Chiron asked sadly. I couldn't control my excitement. "Percy called, he wants us to meet him at the Empire State Building, ready to fight." Chiron immediately took charge gathering all the campers who would be attending and helping everyone prepare their battle gear. Seaweed Brain left a message on my phone this morning but I didn't hear it till this afternoon. I must say I was glad he contacted me first out of all people... We were driving in our taxi's when he called again. I quickly took a deep breath and answered trying to contain my excitement. "Hey" He said, "Did you get my message?". "Percy, where have you been? Your message said almost nothing! We've been worried sick!" That was sort of a lie. Chiron and I seemed to be the only ones really concerned. "I'll fill you in later," Percy said. "Where are you?" "We're on

our way like you asked, almost to the Queens-Midtown Tunnel. But, Percy what are you planning? We've left camp virtually undefended, and there's no way the gods-" "Trust me," He said cutting me off. "I'll see you there." He hung up before I could say goodbye. Suddenly all excitement was vanished from my mind as I realized the consequences of what could happen if he was wrong. No one was guarding camp, and Percy couldn't even take the time to tell me what he was planning so I could voice my oppinion. He was never really that smart and right now would be a really bad time to make a mistake.


I saw Percy through the window with Mrs.O'Leary when we finally pulled up to the Empire State Building. I ran up to Percy the moment I hopped out of the van. As I got nearer to him I noticed he was looking at me odd. "What is it?" I asked feeling selfconcious. "What's what?" He asked stupidly. I frowned. "Your looking at me funny." "It's a uh, nothing." He said turning to the rest of the group. "Thanks for comming everybody, Chiron, after you." He said. Chiron shook his head. "I came to wish you luck, my boy. But I make it a point never to visit Olympus unless I am summoned." "But your our leader." Percy said questionly. Chiron smiled. "I am your trainer, your teacher. That is not the same as being your leader. I will go gather what allies I can. It may not be too late to convince my brother centaurs to help. Meanwhile, YOU called the campers here, Percy. YOU are the leader." Percy looked like he was going to protest, but after seeing everyones face including my own he changed his mind. He took a deep breath and said "Okay, like I told Annabeth on the phone, something bad is going to happen by tonight. Some kind of trap. We've got to get an audience with Zeus and convince him to defend the city. Remember, we can't take no for an answer." "You will do well Percy. Just remember your strengths and beware your weaknesses." Chiron said shaking his hand. "Let's go," Percy said speaking to the campers. We all followed percy inside towards the security guard sitting at the desk. "School group? We're about to close up." He said looking around at us all. "No" Percy said, "Six-hundredth floor." "There is no six-hundredth floor kid, move along." The Guard said as if he rehearsed the line. Percy leaned closer to the mans desk and whispered something. "Make it quick." The Guard said hitting the buzer opening the security gate. I was impressed, looks like Percy won't make a bad leader after all. We got everybody up in two trips seeing as their were forty of us. I went up in the first group with Percy. Once we got up I noticed something about him that was different. But I coldn't place my finger on it. I decided to say something since Percy caught me looking at him. "You look ... different," I decided. "Where exactly did you go?" "Tell You later" Percy said as the second group made it up. "Come on," As we made our way through the streets of Olympus I couldn't help but notice how lonely the place seemed. We finally reached the archway with the statue of Zeus and Hera. I made a face at hera. "Hate her," I muttered. "Has she been cursing you or something ?" Percy asked. "Just little stuff so far," I said truthfully. "Her sacred animal is a cow right?" Percy asked again. "Right" I answered, "So she sends cows after me". Percy looked like he was trying to hide a smile. "Cows? In San Francisco?" "Oh yeah. I said feeling a bit happier. "Usually I don't see them, but the cows leave me little presents all over the place- in our backyard, on the sidewalk, in school hallways. I have to be careful where I step." "Look" Pollux cried suddenly pointing to the horizon. "What is THAT?" We all froze watching blue lights streaking across the sky toward us. " Like infrared scopes," Micheal Yew muttered. "We're being targeted." "Let's go to the palace," Percy said. We made our way through the Hall of Gods. Inside Percy's old friend the Ophiotaurus began mooing happily. He smiled at it. "Hey man, they treating you okay?" Percy asked concerned. "Moo" it answered again. We walked over to the thrones and I jumped as a voice rang out. "Hello again, Percy jackson. You and your friends are welcome." Hestia said from the fire place. We all bowed muttering "Lady Hestia". Hestia looked at Percy carefully. "I see you went through with your plan. You bear the curse of Achilles." The other campers immediately began muttering amongst themselves. "You must be careful," Hestia warned. "You gained much on your journey. But you are still blind to the most important truth. Perhaps a glimpse is in order." I Nudged Percy. "Um .. what is she talking about?" I asked as he looked back at Hestia. All of a sudden Percy's knees began to buckle so I quickly grabbed him confused. "Did ... did you see that? He asked. "See what?" I questioned. "How long was I out?" Percy murmered ignoring my question. I knit my eyebrows together confused. "Percy, you weren't out at all. You just looked at Hestia for like a second and collapsed." Percy straightened up and looked back at Lady Hestia. "Um,Lady Hestia," He said, "We've come on urgent buisness. We need to see-" "We know what you need," a man's voice said. Suddenly Hermes appeared next to Hestia. "I will leave you now," Hestia said disappearing. Hermes didn't look very happy as he said, "Hello Percy." Percy bowed awkwardly. "Lord Hermes." "Hello George, hey Martha," Percy said. I was beginning to think he was crazy. "Um, Hermes," Percy said interupting my thoughts. "We need to talk to Zeus. It's important." Hermes looked even more annoyed. "You guys," percy said. "Why don't you do a sweep of the city? Check the defenses. See who's left in Olympus. Meet Annabeth and me back here in thirty minutes." Silena frowned. "But-" "That's a good idea," I said interupting her. "Connor and Travis, you two lead. "We're on it" they said trying to sound mature infront of their dad, Hermes. "My Lord," I said looking at Hermes. "Kronos is going to attack New York. You must suspect that. My Mother must have forseen it." "Your Mother" Hermes grumbled. "Don't get me started on your mother, young lady. She's the reason I'm here at all. eus didn't want any of us to leave the front line. But your Mother kept pestering him nonstop, 'It's a trap, it's a diversion, blah,blah,blah. She wanted to come back herself but Zeus was not going to let his number one strategist leave his side while were battling Typhon. And so naturally he sent me to talk to you." "But it IS a trap" I insisted, "is Zeus blind?" Thunder rolled after I said that. "I'd watch the comments girl." Hermes warned me. Zeus is not blind, OR deaf. He has not left Olympus completely undeffended. "But there are these blue lights-". "Yes, yes I saw them. Some mischief by that insufferable Godess of magic Hecate, I'd wager, but you may have noticed they aren't doing any damage. Olympus has strong magical wards. Besides, Aeolus, the king of the winds, has sent his most powerful minions to guard the citadel. No one save the Gods can approach Olympus from the air. They would be knocked out of the sky." Hermes explained. Percy raised his hand. "Umm ... what about that materializing/teleporting thing you guys do?" He asked. "That's a form of air travel too, Jackson. Very fast, but the wind gods are faster. No if Kronos wants Olympus, he'll have to march through the entire city with his army and take the elevators! can you see him doing this?" "Maybe just a few of you could come back?" Percy suggested after a moment of silence. Hermes shook his head impatiently. "Percy Jackson, you don't understand, Typhon is our greatest enemy." Hermes said. "I thought that was Kronos." Hermes eyes glowed. "No Percy. In the old days, Olympus was almost overthrown by Typhon. He is husband of Echidna-" "Met her at the Arch," Percy muttered "Not nice." "-and father of all monsters. Hermes continued. "We can never forget how close he came to destroying us all; how he humiliated us! We were more powerful back in the old days. Now we can expect no help from Poseidon because he's fighting his own war. Hades sits in his realm and does nothing, Demeter and Persephone follow his lead. It will take all our remaining power to oppose the storm giant. We can't divide our forces, nor wait until he gets to New York. We have to battle him now. And we're making progress." "Progress?" Percy questioned. "He nearly destroyed St.Louis." "Yes," Hermes admitted "But he destroyed only half of Kentucky. He's slowing down. Loosing power. "Please Hermes," I said "You said my Mother wanted to come. Did she give you any messages for us?" "Messages," Hermes muttered, then he grumbled on about no one wanting his oppinion on anything. I decieded to use my secret weapon. My big grey pleading eyes, they never failed. "Bah" Hermes said. "Your Mother said to warn you that you are on your own. You must hold Manhattan with out the help of the Gods. As if I didn't knwo that. Why they pay her to be the Wisdom Godess I'm not sure." "Anything else?" I asked growing impatient. "She said you should try plan twenty three. She said you would know what it meant." I suddenly felt sick to my stomache. Plan twenty-three? This was getting seriously bad. "Go on," I said. "Last thing" Hermes said, " She said to tell Percy 'Remember the rivers'. And, um, something about staying away from her daughter. My face turned instantly red, and as I looked at Percy his looked redder then mine. "Thank you Hermes" I said nervously. "And I .. I wanted to say.. I'm sorry about Luke." I regretted saying that after I saw Hermes face harden dangerously. "You should've left that subject alone." I stepped back nervously. "Sorry?" I begged quietly. "SORRY doesn't cut it!" Hermes raised his voice. "You should have saved him when you had the chance," Hermes growled at me, "You're the only one who could have."I began to panic as Percy stepped between us. "What are you talking about? Annabeth didn't-" Don't defend her, Jackson!" Hermes interrupted, "She knows exactly what I'm talking about." Then I suddenly knew what he was talking about and I fought to stop myself from having a mental break down. I thought he was tricking me? How was I to know I couldv'e saved him? Guilt came washing over me. :Maybe you should blame yourself!'' Percy said trying to take Hermes attention off of me. "Maybe if you hadn't abandoned Luke and his mom!" Hermes began to grow and was about to strike when his snakes hissed something into his ear and he stopped. "Percy Jackson" he said, "because you have taken on the curse of Achilles, I must spare you. You are in the hands of the Fates now. But you will NEVER speak to me like that again. You have no idea how much I sacrificed, how much-" His voice broke as he shrank back to noraml size. "My son, greatest pride ... my poor May ..." "Look Lord Hermes," percy said "I'm sorry but I need to know. What happened to May? She said something about Luke's fate and her eyes-" Hermes glared at Percy. "I will leave you now," he said tightly. "I have a war to fight". I watched as he began to shine turning into his true form when I felt Percy turn me around. I would have vaporized if I'd seen. I sat down at the foot of my Mother throne as tears finally escaped me. "Annabeth," Percy said trying to comfort me "It's not your fault. I've never seen Hermes act that way. I guess ... I don't know ... he probably feels guilty about Luke. He's looking for somebody blame. I don't know why he lashed out at you. You didn't deserve that." I wiped my eyes and stared over at the Hearth avoiding Percy's gaze. "Um, you didn't right?" I didn't answer him. Though something else came to my mind. "Percy, what did you mean about Luke's mother? Did you meet her?" Percy nodded. "Nico and I visited her. She was a little ... different." He then described May and what happened there. I frowned as he finished. "That doesn't make sense. But why were you visiting-" Then I remembered something else and my eyes widened. He couldn't of ... could he? "Hermes said you bear the curse of Achilles. Hestia said the same thing. Did you ... bathe in the River Styx?" "Don't change the subject" Percy said. "Percy! Did you or did you not?" I said demanding an answer. "Um . . . maybe a little." He admitted. He went on to explain how Nico told him to do it because it was the only way to defeat Kronos. And how he defeated an army of the dead and Hades. I shook my head in disbelief. "Do you have ANY IDEA how dangerous that was?" I asked. "I had no choice it's the only way I can stand up to Luke." He said explaining himself. "You mean . . . di immortales of course. That's why Luke didn't die. He went to the Styx and . . . Oh no, Luke. What were you

thinking." I didn't realize I was saying this out loud until Percy asked me a question. "What?" I asked because I wasn't paying attention. "Forget" he mumbled. "The Point is he didn't die in Styx " Percy said. "Neither did I. Now I have to face him. We have to defend Olympus." I wasn't really paying attention now that I realized why he looked different to me earlier. Though I still couldn't point out what exactly changed about his appearance after his bath. "I guess your right" I finally talked. "My Mom mentioned-" "Plan twenty three" Percy said. I rumaged through my bag looking for Deadalus's laptop. I found it and carefully pulled it out. After I found the right file I began to read. "Here it is, Gods we have alot of work to do." "Daedalus's inventions?" Percy asked. "A lot of inventions" I corrected him ". . . dangerous ones. If my mother wants me to use this plan, she must think things are very bad." I looked up at Percy. "What about her message to you: remember the rivers?" I asked him. "What does that mean?" Percy shook his head. In otherwords he had no clue. I held back a sigh as the Stoll Brothers walked in. "You need to see this," Connor said. "NOW".


We were all clustered around the guardrail looking down on Manhatten. The blue lights seemed to have stopped. "I don't . . . hear anything" I said worried. We should've heard cars and sirens and what not. Even from this height we should be able to hear something. "What did they do?" Percy asked his voice sounding tight. "What did they do to my city?" "Are they dead?'' Silena asked. "Not dead". Percy said nervously. "Asleep."

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