Annabeth Chase and the Last Olympian Chapter Five

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Annabeth Chase and the last Olympian Chapter Five


We decided we needed a faster ride, so Percy made a taxi whistle and only a few minutes later two dark shapes could be seen in the sky. They looked like hawks at first, but as they dscended they started to take their real shape of a pegasi. I noticed that the two Pegasi's names were BlackJack and Percy told me the other one was called Porkpie. I would be riding Porkpie. Percy could communicate with horses, again because his Dad, who created horses. As we made our way closer to the tunnel the battle became visible. I started panicking just looking at it. The Apollo's seemed to be trying hard, and fighting really well but, their simply wasn't enough of them and it didn't help that they were running out of equipment. Meanwhile the monsters kept charging in. I watched as an Apollo camper was dragged off by a Hellhound. Not all Hellhounds were friendly like Mrs. O'leary. I felt sick to my stomache as I spotted the minotaur in the middle of the battle. "There!" I pointed him out to Percy. Percy looked pale. He fought the minotaur once before when he first found out he was a demigod. He still had the minotaurs horn in his cabin hanging on his wall. In the midst of my thoughts I saw a limosine randomly thrown into the air by the minotaur. It couldn't possibly hit us, I thought. We were at least a hundred feet high. Though, sure enough it nearly hit me as Porkpie swerved madly trying to avoid it. Percy must have told the Pegasi to drop us off because they gently swooped down and we both jumped off our horses, behind the Apollo cabin. Micheal immediately ran up to us. He seemed okay, he only had a cut on his arm, though he looked dirty and sweaty. I felt guilty. Here we are swimming and activating statues when these guys were out here fighting for their lives. As Micheal got closer I noticed that he was smiling as if this was a party. "Glad you could join us," he said. "Where are the other reinforcements?" "For now, we're it," Percy answered him. "Then we're dead," Micheal said. "Do you still have the flying chariot?" I asked forming a plan. "Nah," Micheal said ruining my idea. "Left it at camp. I told Clarisse she could have it. Whatever you know? Not worth fighting about anymore. But she said it was too late. We'd insulted her honor or some stupid thing." "Least you tried." Percy said sadly. Clarisse was so stubborn. Micheal shrugged. "Yeah, well i called her some names when she said she still wouldn't fight. I doubt that helped. Here come the ugles!" He quickly lanched an arrow at the monsters. The arrow unleashed a blast like a power chord when it landed. Monsters near dropped their weapons and covered their ears with their hands. Some even disinigrated on the spot. "That was my last sonic arrow," Micheal said. "A gift from your dad?" Percy asked. "God of music." Micheal grinned. "Loud music can be bad for you. Unfortunately, it doesn't always kill." He was right. Most of the monsters were recovering. "We have to fall back," Micheal said. "I've got kayla and Austin setting traps farther down the bridge." "No," Percy said. "Bring your campers forward to this position and wait for my signal. We're going to drive the enemy back to Brooklyn." Micheal laughed. He must be loosing his mind. "How do you plan to do that?" Percy drew his sword, meaning he was going in. "Percy, let me come with you." I said. "Too dangerous." He answered. He was probably right but I still wanted to help. "Besides," He addded," I need you to help Michael coordinate the defensive line. I'll distract the monsters. You group here. Move the sleeping mortals out of the way. Then you can start picking off monsters while I keep them focused on me. If anybody can do all that, you can." I was flattered he said that, but I still wasn't happy about hanging back. I didn't want anything to happen to him, after all I already went a week thinking he was dead not to long ago. I don't think I'll be able to handle it if that happened again. Michael snorted interupting my thoughts. "Thanks a lot." I ignored him meeting Percy's eyes. He looked at me questingly, silently asking if I would do what he asked. I nodded. "All right, get moving," I said looking back towards the monsters. "Don't I get a kiss for goodluck? It's kind of a tradition, right?" I drew my knife not regeristing what percy just asked of me. "Come back alive, Seaweed Brain. Then we'll see." I stated blushing. I couldn't believe he just asked that, but as much as I would have loved to kiss him, we are in the middle of a war, and plus I wanted pay back for that time back at camp when he left me to cry alone in the strawberry fields. Percy smirked and charged at the enemy. The next couple of minutes I worriedly did as Percy told me. We moved mortals out of their vehicles to safety and attacked a couple stray monsters that were watching the fight between Percy and the Minotaur. After attacking a monster and watching it disinigrate I snook a quick peak at Percy. I watched him as he stabbed the Minotaur in the chest and through him over the bidge. I was amazed. Percy was such a great fighter. "Annabeth," Michael shouted bringing me back to the moment. I moved just in time as a monster reached for me I side stepped and stabbed it right in the stomache. I continued fighting until I noticed the monsters starting to flee. Percy was runnign after them trying to kill them all. "Yes!" Michael yelled. "That's what I'm talking about." "Percy!" I shouted at him. "You've already routed them. Pull back! We're overextended. Percy continued after them until we all spotted something that made us freeze in our spots at the same time. Kronos himself stood there watching his monsters flee back towards him. "Now," Percy said quietly. "We pull back." I finally tore my eyes off of Kronos intime to see dozens of demigods charge for us. "Retreat!" Percy shouted. "I'll hold them!" I made a quick decision to ignore Percy's request. I stood by him as we were attacked. Percy and I fought shoulder to shoulder facing opposite directions. A little while later we alomost made it to the middle of the bridge when it happened. I was fighting Ethan Nakamura, a demigod percy and I saved last summer. Yea I know we saved him and he betrayed us. Somehow he managed to throw me off for a second and I watched as he swung his sword at Percy's back. I knew Percy is invincible accept for Achilles spot. If someone hits his achilles spot which is an area on his body chosen by him he'd die. For some reason I had a funny feeling as I watched Ethan swing his sword. My body acted by itself as I felt my self dive behind Percy raking the blow in my arm. I screamed in pain as I fell towards the ground. I couldn't move. Instead I layed and watched as Percy turned around and struck Ethan in the face hard with the hilt of his sword. "Get back!" He shouted slashing a wide arc, driving the rest of the demigods away from me. "No one touches her!" I watched frozen in pain and fear as Kronos appeared walking towards us. He was using Lukes body. I cried harder as he came closer and I could see his eyes. Gold. Those were not Luke's eyes. "Interesting," Kronos spoke looking at me with a smile on his face. I fought to get up, but I couldn't move. Ethans blade had poison on it. "Bravely fought, Percy Jackson," Kronos said still smiling. Luke . . . "But it's time to surrender . . . or the girl dies." "Percy don't," I groaned in pain. "Blackjack!" Percy yelled making me wince. Next thing I knew I was flying. I must be dead I thought as my vision was blurred. My eyes closed as I gave into the darkness.

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