Annabeth Chase and the Last Olympian Chapter 8

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Okay so I haven't uploaded in forever I know. . . Sorry about that, I've been lazy, plus I've been busy with school. Anyway hopefully I can start uploading more frequently now that things are slowing down again. I'm thinking maybe and upload once or twice a week? . . . Thanks for everyones support please keep voting or fanning and of course comments are always appreciated! :) . . On with the story!


Annabeth Chase and the Last Olympian Chapter 8

The squeal echoed through Manhatten and we all froze in horror. I looked up to see a huge pink creature soar over the reservoir. "A sow!" I cried starting to panic. "Take cover!" Everyone scattered as the giant pig swooped down from the sky. I gasped as one of her huge hooves just missed one of my brothers. We watched frozen as the pig stomped around destroying everything in its path. "Don't tell me that thing is from Greek mythology," Percy complained. I was to scared to think of something smart to say back. "Afraid so," I whispered. Honestly what did he think it was, a fake monster from under his bed? "The Clazmonian Sow. It terrorized greek towns back in the day." I explained turning to face him. "Let me guess, Hercules beat it?" Percy asked annoyed. "Nope, as far as I know, no hero has ever beaten it." I said turning back to the sow. I turned just in time to see it soar back into the sky knocking over tree's in the process. "Perfect," Percy muttered beside me. I glanced down to see the monsters getting ready to charge once more. They just realized the pig wasn't after them. "That pig has to go." Percy said grabbing a grappling hook from my sister. "I'll take care of it. You guys hold the rest of the enemy. Push them back." I was going to argue that he would need help but I was to exhausted. My arm was killing me. I'm not sure how were even going to manage holding the enemy back. "But, Percy" Grover asked weakly, "What if we can't?". "Retreat if you need to," He said quickly, "Just slow them down. I'll be back as soon as I can." Without another word he swung the grappling hook like a lasso and through it around the sow's wing. It squealed angrily flying off, Percy gripping on the rope attached to it.

I stared after Percy and the pig, guilt rising up in my stomache. I should have went with him, what if he gets hurt?I wasn't thinking for very long when I was pushed and fell forwards. I instintivly reached my arms out infront of me to catch myself, and nearly cried when my bad arm hit the ground. Immediately I cradled it trying my best to hold back tears when, "Annabeth look out!" I heard one of the demi-gods shout at me. I moved just intime as a monster tried to take a swipe at my face. I quickly rolled over ignoring the pain from my arm to take a battling stance. Luckily, I didn't have to do anything else because Grover ran by and stabbed it for me. "Are you okay?" I tried my hardest to look convincing as I stared back at Grover's worried face. "I'm fine, are you okay?" I asked quickly. Grover still looked worried but managed a small smile as he replied "I'm fine, just a little drained." I nodded, he's running out of energy because of all the magic he has been doing. It's not easy to turn a God into a Maple Tree. . . I didn't have time to say anything else because more monsters decided to charge our way. I picked up my old knife Luke gave me from the ground, I dropped it when I fell, and took up a defence position.

. . . . . . . .

I sliced through the monsters fighting the best I could. Occasionally I'd drop my knife, or a monster would go for my bad arm and someone would step into help me. We killed dozens of monsters but it didn't seem to make a difference. We were barely holding them back and there was chaos all around.

. . . . . . . .

Two of my siblings and I were doing our best to figth off a Hyperion Giant. I dodged and sliced repeatedly running out of moves to make on it. The war wasn't going well, we were loosing. We were nearly surrounded now, and our idea to hold off then enemy and push them back failed miserably. Instead we were the ones being pushed back doing our best to hold off the monsters from passing us. I dropped my knife for what had to be the hundreth time today just as the giant took a swing for me. I closed my eyes, preparing my body for the blow which would surely kill me. I waited 5 seconds, 10 seconds? I peaked open an eye in time to see Percy, (where did he come from?) slidings down the giants body hitting him in the nose with his shield on the way.

Percy hit the ground running and I watched awestruck as the Giant growled and breathed out freezing mist over Percy. His whole body was covered in frost and the ground turned to ice. "Hey ugly!" I called at the monster trying to distract him. He quickly turned to look at me, and Percy took that time to run up, and stab the Giant in it's back leg. "WAAAAH!" It cried. The Giant froze, literally turning to ice before it shattered into a pile of what looked like glass. I turned to look at a shocked Percy. I almost smiled looking at him as all the guilt from earlier vanished. He seemed fine. "Thanks," I said trying to catch my breath. "The Pig?" I asked. "Pork chops," Percy replied. I have a half smile. "Good." He stared at me as I flexed my shoulder trying to make the stinging go away. I could tell Percy was about to say something about it so I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine Percy. Come on! We've got plenty of enemies left."


Sorry it's short I'll upload again soon! Hopefully this weekend but if not then sometime next week! VOTE, COMMENT , AND FAN!! Thanks. ! xD

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