Chapter 5

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"So, who are you going to the game with?" Cooper asked, his voice a mere whisper due to the fact that we were in Biology, and everybody was whispering in hushed tones.

I rolled my eyes with a quiet huff. "I'm going with Tommy as friends. And don't act like you didn't know," I replied a little too loudly, making our wrinkly teacher, Mr. Smith glare back at me from his old podium as if I murdered his cat or something.

"I didn't know!" he whisper-yelled with an unsuccessfully attempted innocent expression. "Okay, so maybe I knew, but why the hell would he ask you? Literally everybody knows Xander has a thing for you. It's common knowledge. Tommy was just asking Xander to give him an ass-beating."

"We're going as friends."

"I know you're stupid, but I didn't think this stupid. But I guess you kinda led Tommy on."

My eyes widened as I set down my pen. "How did I lead him on?"

"Well, you gave him a pet name, remember?"

"What- oh, you mean 'Tom-Tom?'" I tilted my head at him, my nose scrunched. He nodded slowly. "I give pet names to everyone! Like Xander is 'Xandy.'"

"Yeah, and now Xander likes you also!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, where is Xander? He's not in class."

"How am I supposed to know where he is? It's not like I keep a tracker on him, and also, doesn't he have a reputation of, like, skipping classes?" I expectantly looked at him.

"He used to, but ever since he realized you were in his classes, he's actually been attending class." A corner of his mouth curved up into a knowing smirk. "Coincidence? I think not."

"Coincidence? I think yes." 

Cooper opened his mouth to reply with a smart-ass answer when the piercing noise of the bell rang, thankfully, ending biology.

Once Cooper and I stepped out the classroom, we parted ways as he propelled into the crowded hallway, the feeling of tension from stressed students hovering in the air. My eyes immediately locked with a pair of grey ones across the hall. It seemed as if years passed while we held eye contact, but after a few mere seconds, he averted his eyes. It was then that I realized he shifted his eye contact to a red-head at his dark blue locker with a small smirk in her direction. My heart thrashed and heaved in my chest.

Ignoring the irritating feeling, I stalked over to him at his locker. I wanted to know why he skipped biology since he never skipped anymore.

"Can we help you?" The dirty blonde asked, eying me up and down with a scrutinizing gaze while twirling one of her locks and smacking down on her mint gum obnoxiously loud. 

"Why weren't you in biology?" I looked up at Xander, away from the girl whom I ignored.

"Because he's not a loser like y-" she started, her eyes attempting to burn lasers through me.

"Chill, Holly," he directed at her before shifting his eyes to me. "Anyways, why do you care?" He slung his arm over Holly's shoulder.

"I-I don't. Just curious." I gave her a dirty look in response to her scrutinizing gaze. "Bye, now. Good luck on your game tonight."

"Wait." He removed his arm from Holly's shoulder to latch onto my wrist. I spun around, giving him an expectant look. "I was at football practice. Our first game of the season is today, so we're practicing a ton."

My mouth curved into a smile, appreciative that he explained before heading off to class. 

Oh god, I was so going to be late.

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