Chapter 10

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♛ Chapter 10- Aurora's POV ♛

"So, I've been hearing that a certain golden girl will be asked out today," Olivia smirked as she nudged me with her shoulder as we walked to the lunch tables outside, her voice barely audible over the usual rustling noise of students gossiping. Our group had decided to sit outside since the weather was starting to cool, and because the annoying freshman were beginning to sit inside.

"He's not gonna ask me, Liv," I rolled my eyes as we stepped outside, the chilled autumn air surrounded us. The usual gossiping girls were perched on the blue tables, a football being thrown over by hyper football players.

Olivia scoffed before we plopped down in the blue table, joining the rest of our friends. "Yeah, he will."

"No, he won't-"

"What're you two arguing about?" Michael interrupted, leaning forward.

"Let me guess," Xander started, "It's about Tommy asking her out later?"

"How did you guys know about it except me?" I looked at the group.

"Well, Tommy doesn't really ask anybody out, so having the golden boy ask out the golden girl is a bit unusual," Cooper replied, leaning forward on the blue table.

Sabrina laughed before pausing to take a sip of her Sprite. "Please! If that little boy thinks that Aurora's going to actually accept, he's delusional."

"Don't forget that time he basically asked Aurora on a date to dinner, and she actually went!" Cooper added to the conversation falling into a fit of laughter. 

"I bet 20 bucks that she says yes," Michael said before smacking a twenty dollar bill down on the table.

"Well, I think she's gonna reject him," Xander smirked at Michael before pulling out two ten dollar bills and smacking it down next to Michael's money.

"Are you guys seriously betting on me?" I exclaimed. "He probably won't even ask me out!"

"I still can't believe that you keep denying the fact that he likes you," Cooper smiled and shook his head. "God, you're so oblivious that you make Olivia look smart."

"Shut up, Cooper," Olivia snapped and narrowed her eyes at him, taking offense to his joke which was unlike her. "You don't even know the first thing about relationships, let alone something other than humping and dumping."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Cooper challenged her.

Olivia, not able to formulate a response, picked up her tray and strode back inside the school.

"Liv!" Cooper shouted as he sprung out of his chair to catch up with her, leaving me, Sabrina, Xander, and Michael. I knew how Olivia was. She needed time to cool off, thus me not chasing after her.

"What the hell was that about?" Michael snorted, bringing up Sabrina's can of Sprite to his mouth.

"All I know is that their sexual tension is almost as bad as yours," Sabrina said as she turned to me and Xander.

"Shut up, Sab," Xander grumbled before taking a bite out of the brownie on my plate.

Michael opened his mouth, probably to include another one of his innuendoes but was interrupted by a familiar voice behind me.

"Aurora?" came Tommy's voice. Xander tensed beside me, but it wasn't noticeable unless you actually paid attention.

I turned around to look up at a standing Tommy. Suddenly, the table went silent, everybody full of anticipation since this was probably the most eventful thing that's happened this week at our small school.

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