Chapter 9

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Aurora's POV

My eyes snapped open in realization I was having a nightmare, only to be met with complete darkness. I never liked the darkness. Before I knew it, silent sobs racked my entire body while hot tears rained down my cheeks in the reliving in my dream. The tears were dead silent, and the silent ones were the worst ones. I reached my left arm out for my medication to help me fall back asleep on my bedside table, but there was no medication bottle there.

In realization that I wasn't in my room, I sprung up on the foreign bed, panting. A manly scent wrapped around me, along with a heavy blanket. Deep breathes could be heard from the floor next to the unfamiliar bed I was on. Like I was splashed with cold water, terror and anxiety filled every ounce of my body. I couldn't let that happen again without a fight. I wouldn't just freeze up again. Before I even had a chance to think, I screamed.

I screamed the loudest, shattering scream. My trembling body curled in a ball as I shut my eyes and covered my face with my unstable hands, unprepared for what's to come.

The form on the floor leaped off the floor and ran over to me. I scrunched my eyes, and thrashed everywhere. A light switch was heard, but I refused to open my eyes and uncurl from my fetal position.

The figure was leaned over to me, whispering something, trying to say something, still I refused to stop my yelling. I kicked everywhere like my life depended on this moment. I would not, and I could not let it happen all over again. I made it through it once, and god knows that I won't be the same after a second.

I didn't stop until a calloused, but soft, hand smoothly covered my mouth, forcing me to bite it, unwilling to give up now.

"Stop now!" I yelled with every speck of resistance left in me, and scorching tears falling from my eyes. "I f*cking dare you! Then, we'll see what happens!"

"Shh, shh, baby," a voice softed came in between one of my cries as the calloused, but soft, hands cupped my face. "It's just me, okay?"

I opened my eyes briskly, this time to a lighted room and relief washing over me. "X-Xandy." A whimper escaped my lips.

He nodded, eyebrows crunched and his lips turned downward. I looked downward to notice that I was still wearing the sweatshirt and yoga pants from yesterday. His thumb stroked my cheek, wiping away remaining tears while I took in a deep breath to gain back my composure.

"You fell asleep as the library last night," he whispered, holding my face as if it were a piece of glass. "And Olivia didn't answer your door, so I brought you here for the night."

"Holy shit," I panted. "I- I am so sorry." I hid my face in my hands, feeling guilty for waking him up.

"Don't worry about it," he spoke in a hushed tone as his hands were removed from my face, the warmth making its escape. "You're just lucky I don't have a roommate."

"Wait, what time is it?" I whispered, not wanting to break the hushed atmosphere.

He took over at the clock pinned on his wall before turning back to me and sighing. "One in the morning."

"I can just go back to my dorm to let you sleep. I'm okay now."

"No way," he shook his head. "You're staying here for tonight. Now, I don't expect you to pour your entire heart out to me, but what was that, gem?"

I shook my head, not wanting to explain.

"I can fix it, I swear," he spoke louder, his persistence shining through as he sat down on his bed next to me. "I can fix anything for you. Whatever you need-"

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