Chapter 27

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Never did I ever believe I'd be here. Prepping for states with the team, being with an amazing guy, or finally being happy after what happened in ninth grade. Simple as it was, I liked the simple life. 

But simple never meant easy, necessarily.

I was sitting on the bleachers, taking a five minute break after nailing some hurdles. The team was looking good. Really good, actually. Technique was definitely improving among all of us, the possibility of winning states motivating every one of our steps and jumps. Even McKenna was improving. It pained me to admit she was getting really good; dang that really pained me to admit.

The breeze of the wind and chirping of the birds filled my ears as I drank from my water bottle, but the serene moment soon ended when a screech interrupted it.

"Get over here, you-you bitch!" Holly shouted across the field to where the team and I were practicing, making eye contact directly to me. Everybody practicing stopped as we all turned to look at her, and she was not looking good.

Mascara and eyeliner was running down her face, streaking her foundation. Her red lipstick was smudged from her tears. I felt bad for her, although I don't know why I did.

Xander jogged up to my side and put his hand on my lower back. Whether the sweet action was to show Holly that he was mine or to comfort me, I enjoyed it very much so.

"Now, kid, we're practicing right now so if you-" Coach said, trying to get her to leave.

"Shut it, old man!" She narrowed her deadly eyes at him. It made the 54 year old man zip his mouth immediately.

"Is 'bitch' the only word in your vocabulary, Holly?" I crossed my arms with a tilt of my head. "I wouldn't be surprised."

I couldn't let Holly be so rude. Life was treating me amazingly recently, and it was my job to make sure it stayed that way.

She rolled her eyes and ungracefully stomped through the grass, her heels sinking into the dirt. "I heard from a little birdie recently that you and Xander are...exclusive."

"That is true," Xander said with a curt nod, wrapping his arm tighter around my waist.

"What the hell!" She shouted, looking at McKenna. "You're useless! All you had to do was keep them away from each other!"

"Don't speak to my daughter like that!" Coach said with an angry expression. "Do you want to see the principal?"

"I can get you fired," Holly told Coach. "My family donates to this school, idiot. We funded this field. So, you're welcome. I basically provided you with a job."

McKenna was wide-eyed; she reminded me of a puppy. "I-I'm sorry, Holly. I tried, but they're, like, really cute together."

"That's it! You're uninvited to my annual sleepover this weekend!"

"Wait- no!" McKenna said, throwing her hands up in distress with a worried expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Then my dense self finally realized something in that moment- Holly was lost. She used her money as a strategy to attract friends and boys, but money doesn't last forever or grant everything in the world.

Holly uses the money to try and buy a heart when really, she just needs to find someone to care for hers.

Only then did I realize that I shouldn't have been so relentlessly rude to her, but rather listened to her cries of help, disguised as insults.

"Holly, I think you should leave," I told her with a tilt of my head and furrowed brows. I felt Xander's arms embrace my waist tighter, and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from smiling at the feeling. "You're not needed here, but I honestly hope you find some sort of source of love and attention in your life." I looked up at Xander. "I think it's something everybody deserves."

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