The End

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Holy crap. It's over. Complete. Finished. And every other synonym of the word "done."

Big Jet Plane has helped me get through the toughest of times, and if you're going through a bad time right now, life gets better. So, so much better. It won't be horrible like this forever, I promise. This story is living proof of that.

Thank you to every single one of you. I started this book last year, and it's accumulated over 35 THOUSAND reads. That's a fricken lot! If you told me a year ago if my book would actually be liked, I would have laughed in your face. When I first published this, I didn't think as many people would love it, but you guys did. You loved it and supported it, and in doing so, you guys have made me so so much happier. I was in a horrible place when I began this story, and I'm happy that I've finished it off on a good note.

So, if you're having any doubts about your book, just do it. Publish it. Read it. Show it off. Because I know for a fact, if you have pride in your ability and your writing skills, it won't matter is you get millions of reads or only a hundred.

I wanna give back to you guys! Comment if I should read your book (if you'll let me ahaha).

All of you have been in on my journey of life, and I honestly can't thank you enough for making this world feel a little less lonely. I love you guys. Thank you so much for sticking with me and this story. I found that as this story progressed, so did I.

In life, this book has been the only constant. Thank you for being that escape from reality. Thank you for supporting me and helping me realize that maybe writing isn't so bad.

I will end this book just as how I started it: I love you. I love you if you're a million miles away or if you're close by. I love you if you're an "outsider" or not. I love you. A million times later and I still love you.


p.s. this isn't the last you'll hear from me ;) I'm releasing another story very soon! stay tuned, my loves.

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