Daring Things To Do If You Are Divergent. 21-30.

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Daring Things To Do If You Are Divergent. 21-30.

21) Every time you walk past the Factionless, sing, "I was born this way." But change the lyrics so they say, "You were born that way."

22) Tell Uriah that Four loves him so much and he can't bear to be without him. FOURIAH!!!!

23) Tell Tris that all her fears are just irrelevant and pointless in life.

24) When you constantly walk past Tris, say in a singsong tone, "You are such a Stiff!"

25) Throw bread at Peter. (Get it? No? Okay!)

26) Make a sign for your house, saying "Divergence lives here! Do not enter!"

27) Tell Four that his parents are Mundanes.

28) Make a wand for yourself and Four and both you will point them at Marcus and Evelyn, screaming "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

29) Ask Tris if she owns the Deathly Hallows.

30) Tell Tori her tattoos are completely rubbish.

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