Chapter 1: Over It

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Beep. Beep. Beep....Beep. Beep. Beep. I woke up, reaching for my phone to mute the alarm. Ugh. I laid still in my bed looking at the ceiling. I really didn't want to go to school today. I should be more excited, since it's my senior year, but I just had a feeling. A feeling that this year was going to be the hardest one yet. Aside from all the bad feelings, the most positive thing was my best friends. Rainie and Talia.  Even though they were my two best friends, they didn't get along one bit. Talia always felt like Rainie was stuck up, and Rainie she has been jealous of Talia. Talia and I had been friends since we were three, so we go way back. I picked up my phone seeing a few texts and notifications from Facebook. I scrolled through the notifications and saw I had a friend request from Aaron Jacobs. I suddenly got a huge smile on my face. Aaron and I had been part of a study group at the Childrens Center in the summer. He was a super nice guy and so handsome, I really liked him. We didn't hang much outside of the study group, but still he was pretty sweet. I hit the accept button. Hmm, maybe this year won't be so bad. I hopped out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I might as well start getting ready. 


"You look nice, pumpkin" my mom said with a smile. I had thrown on some skinny jeans and a lacey blue top. Pumpkin had been a childhood nickname that stuck, don't ask me how I got it because I have no idea. "Thanks mom" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat down at the breakfast table. "So Lex, it's your first day of senior year" she grinned. "Mhmm, luckily I made it here" I groaned. " Oh stop, you are going to be fine you have some good friends with you, love". "Yeah I know" I replied fiddling with my eggs. I was feeling nervous. My brother and sister came running down the stairs. "Morning mom!" my little brother Kyle yelled. Kyle was 14 and is a little freshman this year.  "You need to stop running in my house" my mother yelled. My sister came over to the table, sitting next to me. "Hey Alex, ready for the big day?" my sister Lucille asked. "Ugh no I am not, I'm already so over it" I grumbled, checking the time. It was 7:30 and the bus should be here soon. Lucille was in college and had her own job, I was so upset she would be moving out. "It will be fine" Lucille smiled reassuring me. "Lu, can you give me a ride to school?" I asked hopeful. "Sorry boo, not today I have to get to the office" she kissed my forehead and headed towards the door. "No kiss for me Lu?" my mom joked. Lucille walked over giving my mom a kiss on the cheek. "Of course mom, I could never forget" she laughed. "Alright, hurry up you don't need to be late" mom said " and that goes for you too Lex and make sure you watch your brother". " Yep, I will" I definitely wouldn't. Kyle was a little shit, he could take care of himself. We walked out to see the bus outside. Right on time! "Bye cutie pie have a great day at school" my sister yelled. "Fuck you" I smiled and looked back at her, she was laughing. She waved as she hopped in her car and I stepped onto the bus. "Lex!"  my friend Talia yelled. She looked so gorgeous her brown hair was perfectly straightened and she had on a light pink sundress. Yes best friend, slay! I walked over to her and sat down giving her a hug. " Well you look cute today" I complimented her. "Thanks babes, you know I had to go all out for Todd" she laughed. "Ohh yeah, how is that going?". "It's going really good, we are going to do a lunch date today, well at least we are supposed to" she looked unsure. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" I was concerned, Talia was such a sweetheart, but somehow guys just didn't seem to stick. They would either stop replying or just ignore her. Men are unpredictable.  "Ugh I don't fucking know, I just try not to get my hopes up" she mumbled. " Well if he is the one, then it will be" I patted her on the back gently. "But in other news, Aaron Jacobs sent me a request!" I said quietly not wanting others to hear. "Oh my god, yes! When did he?" she screamed a little too loudly. I shushed her and starting laughing. Her loud ass. " Girl this morning, I checked my Facebook and saw it."  "Thats good, so he definitely must have had that morning wood and thought of you" she giggled. I laughed at her silly comment. "Maybe, he is so hot oh my gosh if I had him.." my voice trailed off in thought. "I know don't even say it, dirty mind" we both laughed as the bus rolled up to Calville High. The bus came to a stop and we hopped out. "Alexandria!!" Rainie yelled my name from across the parking lot. "Ugh this bitch" Talia grumbled. "Be nice" I hit her arm. "Is that her car? Talia asked with her mouth open. Next to Rainie there was a brand new pink Bentley. "Oh my god, that is so nice" Rainie was rich, no doubt about it. Her dad was the Vice President of The Big Burger. It was a local hangout  for students at Calville High, especially for seniors. It had over 100 locations throughout the U.S. "Holy shit, well maybe this year I will be her friend" Talia laughed as we walked towards Rainie's car. "Hey girly" I ran towards Rainie giving her a hug. "Hey, so you like the new ride?" Rainie asked. "Umm yeah it's gorgeous, Rain" I smiled. I was happy that my friend could get such nice things. "It's okay" Talia bluntly said. She was such a faker. Rainie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well  this little "okay" car is going to have all the boys eye this year" she boasted. "Maybe Todd, will like it too" Rainie grinned evilly at Talia. "Whatever, Rainie" Talia swished her hair back and started scanning the parking lot. "Who are you looking for?" I asked. "Todd" she said quietly as I frowned. "T, if he is interested he will talk to you" I warned her. I didn't want her getting hurt. "Yeah, I know". "God, you are still after him, move on Talia seriously" Rainie rolled her eyes and grabbed her backpack out of the car. "Rain, be nice" I mouthed to her, as she gave me another eye roll. "Well I will see you two later" Rainie twisted off in her denim mini skirt. " I don't see how you are friends with her" Talia glared at me. "She really isn't that bad, you should try and get to know her" Talia looked at me like I was stupid. "No, what i should do is key her car" I laughed as I linked arms with her. "Now don't do anything stupid" we walked towards the door and made our way inside. This year would be an interesting year for sure. 

Thank you for reading!! Pocketful of Sunshine is the intro song! Leave Comments, Vote and Follow! Mwahhh! 

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