Chapter 3: A United Front

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Sydney Harrington POV

  After seeing Aaron I was a little rattled. He was still so handsome, but I knew  he was still angry at me. I felt terrible about how I had done him. It was wrong. I was wrong and now that I'm back I want to make it right. I drove onto Hickory Street, pulled up to my house and parked. I got out of the car. My little chihuahua, Cocoa came running out, barking happily. "Hi baby" I patted her head and scooped her up. "Sydney,  you're late. You were supposed to be here to help me paint" my mother grumbled as she stood in the doorway. I rolled my eyes. She was beyond annoying. 

 "Mother, I told you painting is not on my list of things to do today" I brushed past her and went to the kitchen. "I don't care what is on your list of things to do, are you paying for this house?" she yelled at me. Here we go. "No and you aren't either" I was heated.  My dad was an archaeologist, so he traveled a lot. He also was the main one bringing home the bacon, since he makes good money. "You need to watch you're mouth Sydney Ann" my mother warned me. She never did anything though, she was all talk. My dad was the one who I really feared. He didn't put up with just anything. 

 "Why don't you just have JJ and the boys do the house?" I asked waiting for her answer. We had people that could paint the house, I don't know why she was so persistent with this. "Sydney, we have to watch our budget, I have told you this many times" my mother said in annoyance. "Mhmm, where is Kevin? I'm starving" I looked around the house for our chef. My mother frowned. "I let him go, it's about time we start making our own meals" she said firmly. " Wow, and you don't even talk to me about this" I was pissed. She was unbelievable,  I didn't know what was going on but I was ready for my dad to be home. "I'm ordering pizza"I stormed upstairs and slammed my door. I knew my parents marriage wasn't the greatest, but now I just didn't know what to feel. 

My mom never spoke of saving money, and I couldn't help but think that this was the moment it was going downhill. I sobbed as tears ran down my face, I needed someone to talk to. I sighed and flopped on my bed.  Calling Aaron wasn't an option, I had hurt him so bad. He wouldn't care about my problems,  that's for sure. He was the one person who knew about my parents and their issues. I opened my laptop and went to Facebook, to view his profile. I would've thought he deleted me, but he didn't. I scrolled through his page, seeing a picture of him and the boys at The Big Burger earlier today. I smiled to myself, he looked so happy. 

I got up from my bed and dialed Hungry Howie's to order my pizza. I rummaged through all the moving boxes trying to find something cute to wear for tomorrow. I don't know why I was so nervous, I was pretty popular before I left. Maybe it was just the thought of seeing Aaron, that had me on edge. I wonder if he had his eye on anyone or vice versa. There was only one person I knew, who knew all the gossip. Olivia Overton. Right on cue, my phone vibrated and her name appeared on the screen. "Livvy!!" I yelled through the phone. "Geez, Syd so loud" she laughed "Hey!". "It's funny, but I was just thinking about you" I told her. "Really? Aw how sweet" Olivia said sarcastically.  We weren't friends, but we weren't enemies either. I have definitely had my share of fights with her, she could be a straight up bitch sometimes. There were times where she could be useful, this was one of those times. 

"Listen Livvy, I need some info, I've been gone and I need someone to catch me up" I was hopeful she would say yes. "You haven't even started school yet and you are already nosey" I could tell she was rolling her eyes through the phone. "Shut up, so are you going to come over or what?" I asked. "Hmm, what's in it for me?" she was serious. "Pizza and I may have some weed around here too" I knew that would loop her in. "Two of my favorite things, I'm on my way" she hung up the phone. I did a little happy dance. I would finally know what was going on, I just hoped it would be something worth knowing. 


"And what about Aaron? How has he been?" I asked Olivia. She was stuffing a slice of pizza in her mouth. "Well he is still hot, but he seems fine to me" she muffled out. "And? Is he seeing anyone?" I lit the blunt and stared at her. "Hmm well I don't know if it is for sure, but Todd was telling me he is into Alexandria" she looked at me seriously. "Alexandria... Alexandria... hmm Britton?" I looked at her like she was crazy. She shook her head, eating another slice of pizza. "Yep" she said while chewing her food. "Wow, she isn't even all that" I lied. She was all that, last time I saw her Alex was pretty as ever and that was at the end of tenth grade. She had always seemed friendly, but we didn't really run in the same circle of friends. I was pretty pissed. I bet she looks even better now. "I know, she really isn't and her friend Talia thinks she has a chance with Todd" she died of laughter as she smoked.  I laughed with her, but I didn't think it was all that funny. 

"So, what were you calling me about?" I asked her. "I just wanted to catch up, see how things were with you" she smiled at me. Well, this was new. She never really cared how life was. "Well my parents are going through some things"  I sighed. "Oh, shit like what?" she looked concerned. "They have just been arguing like crazy, I think it's coming down to the final wire" I started tearing up. "Oh, I'm sorry" she leaned over hugging me "divorce sucks". "Yeah, I'm sorry for crying" I wiped my face. "It's fine, don't apologize" she reassured me. I couldn't believe this was the same Olivia. "You are different" I said laughing. "What do you mean?" she asked. "I mean you are less... I don't know ...bitchy?" I didn't know what it was. "Damn Syd, so honest. I mean yeah I have made some changes, but I still am a bitch" she said with confidence. 

Whatever soft side she had shown was gone. There were so many layers to Olivia, I could never figure her out. "Oh, okay" I went towards the boxes of clothes. I hope I didn't offend her. "I mean, you're the one that cheated on your man" she smirked. I couldn't even deny it. "Yeah, I know" I looked away from her. "So let's not get on the subject of who is truly a bitch" she hopped off my bed and started putting on her shoes.  "You're leaving?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah, you seem happy about it too" she flipped me off. I laughed, this was what I was talking about. We weren't the best of friends, but not enemies. "I'll see you tomorrow then" I said throwing a shirt at her face. She caught it without even flinching. "Make sure you park in the Senior lot, we  have to walk in together as a united front" she slipped on her cardigan and headed towards the door. "Okay, I'll be there" I replied. "Alright, see you tomorrow" she shut the door. 

I figured out my outfit for tomorrow, finally. I was still thinking about Alexandria, I wouldn't let her steal Aaron. She didn't deserve to be we with him. Nothing was going to stand in my way of a   second chance with him. This year was going to be my year and I am determined to get what I want. 

Thanks so much for reading!!! How are you all feeling about Sydney? And her relationship with her parents?  Any thoughts on Sydney's and Olivia's friendship? A little bit unstable, right??  Please leave questions or comments below. Be sure to Vote!

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