Chapter 8: Awkward Situation

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Alexandra POV

   I wandered around looking for the girls, finally I spotted Rainie laughing at Talia. She was doing the ring toss and missing every time. "Hey" I came up behind them. Rainie saw me and instantly gave me a hug. "Are you okay,love?" she asked. I knew she was talking about the situation with Aaron. "I'm fine, it just wasn't meant to happen" I said. "It's okay, you will be fine there are plenty of other guys" Talia reassured me.  "Yeah, I know" I laughed. "Okay, so I'm going to find Joseph" Rainie gushed. "Oh my Lord, okay go have fun boo" I smiled. "But not too much fun"Talia called out as Rainie walked away.  Rainie looked back and laughed at us. Joseph must have been making her happy. "Well at least one of us has a boyfriend, I think I will just be single for the rest of my life" Talia said dramatically. I rolled my eyes at her. 

"Have you eaten any elephant ears?" I asked her. "Yes, like two" Talia replied.  "I need to get on your level" I was hungry. "Let's go get some then, we can burn the calories off later" Talia said happily. "You're going to be sick" I told her. "But I wont be though" Talia said confidently. She was an eater, but she worked out like crazy. Talia loved the gym, and she also loves food. She somehow maintained her trim figure. I however,  have to watch what I eat. I use to be overweight, and keeping the weight off has been a challenge.  I decided that today I would indulge a little bit. 

We headed over to the elephant ear stand, and behind the counter I saw a familiar face. It was my ex, Damon. "Oh my god" I grabbed Talia's arm and went to the other side of the stand. "What the hell Lex!" Talia exclaimed. "Damon is over there" I whispered. "Wait, your ex Damon?" she said. "Yes" I said my eyes watering. Damon had treated me terribly, he was with me when I was heavier.  He would publicly embarrass me and would pick on me, he made me feel so bad about myself. "Have you seen him since the weight loss?" Talia inquired. "No, I haven't"  Damon lived in the next city over. "Well show him up, what are you hiding for?" Talia asked. "I haven't seen him since ninth grade, T" I shouted at her. "Okay?" she questioned. 

"So him seeing me for the first time in years, is me at an elephant ear stand" I said how could she be so stupid. "Okay, we can go to a different one or something" she said. I nodded in agreement and turned around slamming into someone. "Hey watch where the hell-" it was Damon. He was taking out the garbage. His dark grey eyes grazed over me. "Lexy?" he asked. I was speechless, he still looked so handsome. Talia just stood there watching us. "Yeah, hey sorry I didn't mean to run into you" I said softly. "It's fine, um how have you been you look great" he said. "Thank you, I'm good". He nodded and continued staring at me. "She's hot isn't she? " Talia blurted out. Oh my god I swear I would kill her. 

  "Oh hey Talia, yeah she looks great" Damon greeted her. "Yeah you had a good one, but you ruined it" she rattled off to him. Damon wasn't phased, Talia has always been outspoken and blunt. "Talia, can you not" I grabbed her arm and secretly gave her a pinch. "She is right though, I am really sorry Lexy" he muttered. "Continue, you owe her more than that" Talia barked. She was out of control, I swear. "We were really young and I was stupid and rude" he continued. "And clearly you still are rude, you were about to yell at someone for running into you" Talia was about to go off.  Damon glared at her. "Back the fuck off, T this isn't your situation" Damon said angrily. 

"It is, bitch! She is my bestfriend, that makes it my business and my situation" Talia yelled. We were starting to cause attention. "Okay, Talia let's go" I was pissed. She knew by the tone of my voice I was done. "Damon, it was nice to see you" I turned on my heel with Talia behind me. "Fuck you Damon" Talia shouted. "Okay, that is enough T" I growled at her. As soon as we were out of earshot, she would hear it from me. We walked over towards the bathrooms and I stopped in front. "Listen to me-" I started. "No, you listen we aren't discussing what happened back there" Talia said firmly.  

"You're unbelievable" I gaped at her. "We can talk about it later, we are here to have fun and I don't want to get into it" Talia said. She was right. "I know I'm mouthy, but you know how I am when it comes to people I care about" I knew she felt bad. She couldn't help it, it was a part of who she was. "Okay we will talk later" I huffed. I stood there thinking of what just happened, seeing him brought back so many feelings and emotions. He was the worst, but there were a few good moments. None of them were good enough to go back to him though.  Talia hugged me tightly, she knew me so well. "It's going to be fine" she comforted me. "Now, let's go have some fun" she said cheerfully. 


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