Chapter 11: Movie Night

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  Besides Jesse being a lunatic, today was going to be a good day. It was Friday night, which is movie night. Aaron was coming over before it started to help me prep everything. I was nervous and excited, being alone with him always got me nervous. I got a text from Talia. Is lover boy there yet?. I laughed to myself and typed back. No, dummy he should be here in 5 tho. My phone buzzed, Just don't do anything stupid Lex, I'll be there at 7:30. I rolled my eyes and set my phone on the table. I stared at the clock, waiting for Aaron to be here. My doorbell rang and I ran to it. "Hey Aaron.....and Jesse?" I said my excitement fading. "Sorry, you don't mind do you? Jesse didn't have any plans for the night" Aaron muttered. I gave him my what the fuck look. Sorry he mouthed to me. "Ugh whatever, come in" I grumbled. Jesse was staring me down with a smirk on his face. "Jesse you can sit in the kitchen, Aaron can I talk to you?" I yanked Aaron's arm and dragged him to the hallway..

"What the hell Lex,what?" he asked. "Why did you invite him over here, do you know your friends a lunatic?" I whispered. "He is not a lunatic, he's chill" Aaron said coolly. "Maybe to you, but he was really rude to me the other day" I said angrily. "Just give him some time to get to know you, Lex" Aaron tried comforting me. "No" I glared at him. "Please Lex, pretty please" he started tickling me and I burst out laughing. "Okay, okay stop" I laughed grabbing his hand. Electricity seemed to shoot up my arm. Aaron stared at my hand in his and then looked me in the eyes. There was something there. I wanted him so bad. Our breathing was in sync and time seemed to stop. "Are we making snacks or what?" Jesse popped up. Aaron dropped my hand quickly and I tried to cover the disappointed look on my face. "Yeah, we'll be in the kitchen" Aaron said. Whatever was there, was gone. Damn Jesse.


I was finishing up the snacks in the kitchen, while Jesse started eating them. Jesse reached his hand over into the bowl of cookie dough. I smacked his hand and he glared at me. "Don't stick your hands in my cookie dough" I shouted. Aaron had went to the bathroom and Jesse had been bothering me the entire time. "But you like to stick your hands on someone elses man" he whispered in my ear. I turned around facing him. "Shut up, there is nothing between Aaron and I" I growled. "Oh yeah?" he said huskily. His face was inches from mine. "Y-Yes, I'm not like that" I defended myself. "Then what are you like?" Jesse questioned me, his cologne intoxicating my lungs. Why the hell was he this close to me. He smirked at me. He had an effect on me and I didn't like it. The doorbell rang and I pushed past him ignoring his question. Talia was standing at the front door, with a bag of chips in her hands.

"Thank God you're here" I hugged her and she walked in. "Hey T" Aaron called out. "Hey Aaron" she looked around and spotted Jesse. "Oh hey Jesse" Talia greeted him. "What's up?" he smiled at her. What the hell, why was he smiling at her? He treated me like crap all the time. I was annoyed and rolled my eyes. Jesse walked towards Talia helping her with the bags. Since when was he a gentleman?! "Oh thanks" Talia grinned at him. I walked past her, pinching her arm. "Ouch, the hell?" she asked angrily. "Oh, sorry" I gave her a look and she stared back. "Okay, so the guys and girls should be here soon." Aaron announced. "Um, Todd is going to be here?" Talia asked annoyed. "Seriously Aaron, this was supposed to be a small group of people" I was getting pissed. I was irritated with Jesse,Talia was flirting with him, and I was still feeling things for Aaron. "Shit, I'm sorry I forgot that part" he was such an airhead. "And you know I'm not friends with those girls" I referred to Rainie, Olivia and Sydney. "It's one night" he pleaded.

The doorbell rang again. Great, just great they were all here now. I fought back tears, I felt so overwhelmed. I've never been so emotional, my monthly must be starting soon. I opened the door slowly, my ex bestfriend right in front of it. "Hey" Rainie said quietly. I looked past her and saw that everyone else was filing out of the car. "Hey Rain, um come in" she walked in awkwardly. I really miss her, I thought to myself. Jesse was watching our interaction. I don't know if he expected me to be rude, drama was the last thing I wanted. I was going to try to be cordial. "Hey Talia" Rain greeted her. "Fuck you Rain, don't say shit to me" Talia yelled walking into the living room. Jesse burst out laughing. "Damn, she is savage" he laughed even harder. "Jesse, you aren't helping" I rolled my eyes. Sydney and Olivia came in soon after. "Alexandria" Sydney addressed me dryly. "Sydney" I was pissed that all these people were in my house.

"Hey baby"Aaron came up to her kissing her. I have no idea what he sees in her. Todd,Joseph and Stephen came in shutting the door behind them. "Thanks for having us Lex" they each gave me a hug. I laughed, the guys were the only ones I could tolerate. "Mhm, I didn't know you were coming until Aaron told me" I ushered them towards the kitchen. "Well it smells good in here" Stephen smiled. Talia walked out from the living room, she froze when she saw Todd. "Hi, Todd" she acted as if he didn't bother her. Todd seemed surprised by her behavior. "Hey Talia" he said awkwardly. Talia frowned, seeing his arms wrapped around Olivia. "Okay so now that we are all here, let's get started" I said clapping my hands. "I have a bunch of snacks made in the kitchen, and the pizza is on the living room table" I continued. We all headed to the kitchen, piling the food on our plates. I sighed, this was going to be a long night.


"Hey can I talk to you?" Aaron whispered to me. "What? Aaron the movie is almost over" I said. "It's important" he looked serious. "Okay, fine" I got up from the couch trying not to disturb everyone else from watching the movie. "Hey where are you going?" Sydney asked aggressively. "I'll be back" Aaron told her. I followed behind him, into the kitchen. "Okay what?" I was annoyed. "I felt something with you" he admitted. My face turned red, I knew what he was talking about. "What, when?" I played stupid. "Don't act like you didn't feel our connection earlier" his eyes bore into mine. "I did feel it" I pressed my lips to his and he seemed to devour mine. He kissed me hungrily, sticking his tongue into my mouth. This was heaven, I always imagined kissing him. "Alex, Alex!" I jolted awake to Talia calling my name.

Shit, it was just a dream. "Wake up, you keep falling asleep" Talia laughed. I yawned and saw that everyone was still here. "She lives" Stephen teased. "I didn't realize I was so tired, what time is it?" I asked. "It's 12:30, what were you dreaming about?" Talia asked me. I looked at her confused, how did she even know I was dreaming? "You were muttering something in your sleep, that's how I know" she laughed at me as if she read my mind. "You good?" Aaron asked looking up at me. Sydney was sitting between his legs on the floor,eating a granola bar and laughing at the movie. I wish I could deny it, but they looked so good together. "Yeah, I'm okay" I smiled at him. I got up and headed towards the kitchen, I wanted some more popcorn.

Rain followed behind me. "Can we talk?" she asked me. "You're talking now, so go ahead" I said with a bored look on my face. "I'm so sorry, I've been such a shitty friend" she started to cry. "I really miss you guys, I got so wrapped up in it all" she wiped her face. I felt bad and I really did miss her. "It's okay" I gave her a hug. "It isn't though, I got caught up with Joseph and his friends that I ditched my own" she blubbered. I gave her another hug patting her back. Underneath it all, Rain was still herself. "Talia hates me, she fucking hates me and I don't blame her" Rain sniffed. "I don't hate you" Talia walked in the kitchen. Damn, she had good hearing. "I was pissed, but I don't hate you" Talia wrapped her in a hug. "I really am sorry you guys, it wasn't the same" Rain continued. "Olivia and Sydney aren't bad, but they aren't good either" she said. "I'm not surprised" Talia said laughing. "Don't do that shit to us ever again, Rain" I warned her. "I won't I promise" she said. I believed her, we all wrapped her in a hug. "Okay,well now that that's sorted, back to food" Talia laughed as she grabbed some chips and cookies. We hurried back into the living room. My girl was back and I couldn't be happier.

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