22. Unloved.

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I want to feel loved.
Not fake love,
Or telling me you love me because I said I felt unloved,
I want to actually feel loved,


I want to feel like there's someone there,
Some who cares,
Because right now,
I feel rather alone,
Even though I'm surrounded by peoples,
And they say they love me,
But yet I don't feel it.

I want someone I can hug,
And be comforted from,
Someone who dries my tears
And cuddles me while lying in bed
And kissing my forehead telling me
It's alright.

I just want to feel loved.

Why is that too much to ask for ?

Is it that hard?

Can't SOMEBODY see how damn unhappy I am ?

Can't they see I don't even understand why I'm so unhappy ?

You think I know why I want to cry constantly ?

Well, I don't.

Maybe it's because I'm unloved.

Maybe it's because everyone says they fucking love me but yet don't notice my excruciating loud cry for help, help me, I want to feel loved, I NEED to feel love, someone. Please.

Why can't I have some goddamn love.

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