Chapter 1. When the rain comes down

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We were walking at the Siam mall and Wayo decided to stop in a cafè to drink a hot chocolate. We were sitting at a table, sipping on our drink and talking about Wayo's relationship with Phana. Then I saw a familiar face. It's Beam and he's alone with Kit. Why are the two of them here? I tell my self to calm down because they can be here just to do some shopping.

They haven't seen us yet so I grab Wayo and run towards them hoping that they don't notice us. But can the luck smile at me? Of course not! While I and Wayo were walking, Kit turns around and sees us. He looks at Beam and says something into his ear while pointing at us. What he's saying? Why he has to be so close to him? They suddenly stop and wait for us to catch up.

Ming: P'!

Beam: Hi guys, what are you doing here?

Kit: Yeah, what are you two doing here?

Ming: Oh P' Kit, you're here too? I didn't see you.

I lie. He's the first one that I saw and I can see him even among millions of people.

K: Liar.

Wayo: We were here to drink a hot chocolate, what about you two, P'?

B: We wanted to eat you want to come with us? It's on Kit.

M & K: NO!

M: Ehm don't worry P', we were about to go back home and having dinner at the noodle stall next to the university.

B: Are you sure?

W: Sure!

B: Okay. Kit, shall we go? I'm starving.

K: Okay, let's go.

W: See you tomorrow morning P'!

While Beam and Kit were walking away, Beam puts his arm around Kit's shoulders. Are they this kind of friends? And why I rushed and said no to their offer? I could watch them without standing out too much. I know that they're close friends but I think that Beam feels something more but Kit didn't notice it yet. I'm jealous. I want to be close to P'Kit and I have to be the one to put my arm around his shoulders and whispering sweet things in his ears.

Today, we didn't take the car so I have to walk Wayo to his dorm and then going back to mine. That's good because I'm in the mood for a long walk. The air smells of rain. After a while, the rain starts pouring down. Walking in the rain has always been one of my favourite things because it seems like it washes away any kind of thought, doubt, worry and sometimes even the worst part of me. This situation is kind of heaven to me, but I regret not bringing my headphones. I have a playlist just for raining days. Raindrops run on my face and I start thinking about Kit. It's inevitable. Since the first time I met him, that guy had a strong impression on me. At first, I couldn't stand him and his mood swings, but something has changed. He always attacked me with his words, but his gesture told something different. The little things he does always get me surprised.

It's about 20 minutes that I'm walking in the rain and I'm soaked. Without noticing, my feet brought me in front of Kit's dorm. I stop and I start looking at his window. The light's on so he's in his room. I think about when I slept in his bed because I was drunk and I kissed him or when he agreed when I wanted to take him out to dinner if I had won the title of Moon. No one has ever treated me like he does and this brought me to see him in a different light. However, he will always think that I'm a playboy and that I still have feelings for my ex. I'm startled when I see the dorm's door opening and Kit running towards me with a red umbrella opened on his head.

M: P' Kit, what are you doing?

K: I was in my room...I was next to the window and looking at the rain when I saw you. What are you doing here standing in the rain? Is everything okay?

M: Yeah, I was just walking to my dorm.

K: Why are you walking there? Couldn't you take a bus or a taxi since it's raining a lot?

M: I wanted to walk and before it wasn't raining.

K: Yeah, but now you can catch a bad cold. Here, take my umbrella.

M: Don't worry. I don't need that, I'm almost there.

K: You can still be saved. Take my umbrella and when you come home take a hot bath.

M: You don't have to worry about me.

K: Even though I can't stand you because you're a complete idiot, you can't get ill.

M: Why?

K: Because you still have work to do as the campus Moon. If you catch a cold, people would blame me.

M: Okay. But I'll walk you to the door. Kit nods and I take the umbrella. Our hands slightly touch and I look at him. He looks away and points to the door. We arrive there and he doesn't walk in. He's waiting for me to go away. I start walking away, then I turn around and with my hand, I do a gesture to make him understand that he can go back to his room. Before walking in, he sticks his tongue out and smiles. When the door closes behind his back, I take a deep breath. I'm so stupid. For a little while I thought he was worried about me, but of course, he was thinking about my role as the campus Moon. For him, I'm just an annoying guy who always mocks him. I start walking toward my dorm and my mind starts thinking again. It's full of thoughts and questions. The one question which doesn't change at all is: what can I do about my unrequited feelings for him?

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