Chapter 6. A strange feeling

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It's been two months since I've been dating Beauty. Things were quite alright, but sometimes we're still awkward with each other. When we go out we talk for a while, but then silence comes and the atmosphere burdens me. I don't know what to say not because I'm shy, it's just that I've nothing to say. We're together almost every day, so I don't have any more topics to discuss since she's been my friend for quite a while. We attend different faculties, we have different friends so we cannot even talk about them.
Today she wants to go out. Again. I tried to persuade her to just stay at home and don't see each other, but she started complaining and whining. To avoid the awkward situation, I decided to go on a double date and somehow she liked the idea to know my friends. I invited Pha and Nong Yo. They won't be much help because they will be all lovey-dovey, but at least when I'm in trouble I can count on them.
We agreed to meet at Siam at 8 pm to have dinner all together in a cool restaurant. I dress up, I take my car keys and go to pick up Beauty. At exactly 8 pm we arrive at the meeting point and they were already there.
Wait. Is that Beam? What? Oh shit. As we walk towards them, I notice that there's a 4th person too. Am I seeing things? It's just illusion, it's not true. I can understand Beam, but Why is Ming here? I felt kind of nervous but I didn't know why.

P: Guys, you're finally here!

K: Hey Pha, we're on time! You're the ones who came here early.

P: That's because Wayo and Ming were already here doing some shopping. Oh wait, I'm such a mannerless man. Beauty, this is Ming. He is Wayo's bestfriend. 

Beau: It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

M: I'm sorry P' but how do you know me?

Beau: I saw you sometimes together with Wayo at Kit's faculty. Also Kit talked to me about you a few times.

M: Did he?

Beau: Yeah, but don't tell him that I told you that.

M: Don't worry P'!

K: Beam, why you're here?

B: Pha told me that there was Ming alone, so to not let him be the third wheel, I decided to come.

K: Oh, I see.

W: Guys, can we stop talking and go to the restaurant? I'm starving.

P: My dear, yes, we'll immediately go. I can't let my baby starve.

Pha takes Wayo by the hand and rushes into the restaurant. We followed him and sit together at the table pointed out by the waitress.  Ming was sitting right in front of me and staring at Beauty. It was like he was scanning her. He could've made a hole through her if he kept looking at her like this. It was almost scary.

We almost ate up all the restaurant! We ordered a lot of things and ate everything until the dishes were clean and shining. It was already late and Beauty's curfew was at midnight, so I had to leave the others at the mall and take her home. As we walked away we waved at them, but Ming was the only one not waving back. He already gave his back to us and was going somewhere else. Lately, he's being weird with me. Suddenly Beauty breaks up the silence and make me realising that I was spacing out while driving.

Beau: I loved it. 

K: Uh?

Beau: This double or triple date. It was really fun! Oh I have something to ask to you...are Beam and Ming dating too?

K: Oh no! Beam is actually interested in someone else and Ming doesn't like him.

Beau: Oh, it's a pity! They look so cute together, almost like Pha and Yo. 

K: Never.

Beau: What do you mean?

K: I mean that it can never happen since Beam is someone else's wife.

Beau: Still, it's a pity...wait, now that you make me think about it, I've noticed something weird?

K: What?

Beau: Nong Ming kept glancing at you quite often. Also, I think that he doesn't like me.

K: What if he doesn't like you?

Beau: There's nothing wrong. Everybody has a different opinion about other people, but he looked at me in the same way you look at your worst enemy.

K: He's just annoying, that's it.

We arrived at Beauty's dorm, so she didn't have the time to reply. It was almost midnight and she had to rush in order not to find the door to their dorm locked. She gives me a peck and runs away like Cinderella but without losing her shoe.

It's 1 am and I'm finally in my bed when I start spacing out again. I was thinking about Ming again. That annoying guy, why he keeps popping in my mind? But really, he's acting a little bit weird these days. Since I've started dating he keeps avoiding me, he doesn't annoy me like before. Tonight too, he was silent and didn't smile a lot. It was not his usual behaviour. He likes to mock Wayo, to put up shows to make people laugh. He's actually a chatter-box and stops talking just to eat. His gaze looked different. Usually, it has a particular light in it, it shines, but tonight there wasn't any shining light in his eyes.  He kept looking at me and Beauty, at our intertwined hands, at us feeding each other. When he did that I felt uncomfortable, like I felt the urge to back out of these lovey-dovey acts. I didn't want to do that kind of things in front of him. It was a strange feeling. Something that I never felt until now.

I check my phone. It's 2 am. Did I really spend an hour of my life thinking about Ming? Why am I being like this? Since when I started caring about his behaviour? I'm not in my right mind, maybe the beer I drank at the restaurant is making me weird too. I really need to sleep or tomorrow I won't be on time for my morning lesson. I put the blanket over my head and I slowly fell asleep with Ming's gaze still in my mind.

Author's corner: I'm sorry for the late update but I was a little bit busy! I promise that I'll try to update this story at least once a week! Also, thank you for the 1.2K reads! I started writing for fun and for myself but seeing that you like my story means a lot to me and makes me so happy! I will never stop being grateful to all of you who spend your time reading this! Thanks, thanks and thanks again!!! xx

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