Chapter 8. Will you be my valentine?

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Kit's point of view

Today is Valentine's day. It is supposed to be the day you spend with your lover, but mine will be there just for the morning. I don't know why, but I feel kind of relieved by this. Maybe it's because we're together every day, but being able to spend half of the day by myself makes me happy. I can finally relax and do the things I've been procrastinating. I can have time for myself to play games, go out for a walk, sleeping, binge watching tv series. It's a pity though that the other members of our gang have to be with their respective husband and wife. We could have stayed together like we did before. 

It's 9 am and I have to meet Beauty at 11 am, just an hour before she goes to her house. I open the curtains and I notice that the weather is a little bit gloomy, it looks like it will rain at some point of the day. I slowly eat my breakfast next to the window while looking at the couples walking down the street, I wash the dishes and I take a shower. When I'm putting my shoes on I look at the clock and it's 10:15. I'm ready and I have the time to go and pick the flowers. I take the necklace and the box of chocolates and slowly reach my car. She will go with her car and we arranged to meet at some park which is halfway between our dorms.

I go and pick the flowers. It's just like I've imagined it. I asked to do something that could match the necklace and the owner did it. It was a bouquet of red roses, in the middle there were white roses, which still hadn't bloom and were put in the shape of a diamond with some rhinestones in the middle to make it shine. It was simple but quite effective. I really hope that she likes all of this.

I arrive at the park and I call her. I walk towards the place she's describing me on the phone and I suddenly see her. I approach her and give a little peck on her forehead. She blushes a bit and the sits down on a bench that was just in front of us.

K: Happy Valentine's Day Beauty.

By: Happy Valentine's Day to you too, honey.

K: These are for you. I hope you like it. 

I give her the bouquet and the bag with the necklace and chocolates. She smells the flowers and then looks at them with a big smile on her face. She's really happy and she didn't see the centrepiece yet. She puts the bouquet on her lap and opens the bag. She takes out the heart-shaped box of chocolate and then the last box.  At this point her hands were shaking, maybe she went overboard thinking it was a ring, but when she sees the necklace she's astonished.

By: Oh my, Kit. You didn't have to.

K: Do you like it?

By: I love it! It's so pretty!

K: Do you want me to put it on you?

By: Yes, please.

She gives her back to me and lifts her hair. I take the necklace from the box and put it on. She turns around and looks at me.

By: How do I look?

K: It looks good on you.

By: You really don't know how happy I am right now! Actually, these days I was talking to my friends and I told them that I wanted to buy something like this! It's like we have telepathy.

K: I think so hahaha.

By: Oh, wait! I have something for you too.

She picks a package from her bag and gives it to me. I open it and there's a watch. She takes it from the box and puts it on my wrist.

By: Because the time spent with you was amazing and I hope we can stay together for a very long time.

She puts her head on my shoulder and takes my hand. We stay like this talking about the little things as we always do. Time flies quickly, so we have to say goodbye for today. I walk her to the car and wish her a safe trip. She reassures me saying that she will call me as soon as she arrives and that she will enjoy the chocolate while driving so she will think about me. I give her a peck on the cheek and walk away.

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