Chapter 10. A cute grumpy nurse

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It's morning and I'm walking towards the nearest stall to buy breakfast. My body aches like crazy since yesterday I fell asleep on the floor due to Ming's fever. As I look at the bright sky, I can't believe at that downpour. Moreover, I still think about what happened. This morning I left before he could wake up so that I can avoid him a little bit longer and make my mind clear about what to do.

First, I know that just yesterday I was thinking that maybe he's just messing with him and I will always have this doubt, but what if he's sincere? He wouldn't have said all of those things if he wasn't really interested in me, right? I will never have a real answer, only time can reveal that.
Second, we kissed. Did I like it? I can't deny it but I can't admit it either. Do I like him? Same answer as before. During his confession and the kiss, I realized that he makes me feel good, but I can't say it because it would ruin my life. Why? I don't care about people here at the university, I don't care about the people I don't know about. It's because of my family. I already know that they won't accept this relationship because they sill have the idea of the traditional family with a husband, a lovely wife and at least two children. Because of this, I don't want to give Ming hopes to see them falling down when my family won't accept us. He will be hurting more than he does now. It's better for the two of us to stay like this, it's better if I keep rejecting him, maybe he won't love me anymore, maybe he will find someone who can love him as he should be. However that person it's not me. I can't protect him. Plus, there's Beauty. I've been a complete idiot. I let her join this disaster of a plan and I know that in the end she will suffer too and I will understand her if she won't forgive me. I let all of this happen thinking that Ming would have given up, but that fool didn't. He avoided me and I thought that the plan was successful, but in the end, he was just waiting for the right time to confess. Yesterday I was so into that moment that I forgot about the world. I was happy that he did that, but I was sad at the same time. I have to let him go for him to be happy.

As I thought so, I return to my dorm just to find it empty. There was just a post-it on the bed where there was Ming.

"I went home so that I don't bother you."

See? He's an idiot! How can he go back home when his fever was still high this morning! Without even realizing it, I was already in the car and started it. I decided to take this breakfast I've bought and some medicines to his dorm. Luckily, I know where he lives so that I don't have to ask Wayo or Phana. They would've asked a lot of futile questions and would've been suspicious of why I am going there.

I arrive at his dorm and knock on his door. After what it seemed like a whole 5 minutes, he opens up.

M: Oh, P'Kit. What are you doing here?

K: Why did you leave?

M: I told you I didn't want to be a bother.

K: What did make you think that you bothered me?

M: I didn't find you when I woke up, so I thought you were mad at me because you didn't sleep on your bed?

K: Idiot. I went out to buy breakfast.

M: Oh! My dear P'Kit brought me breakfast! How sweet! Wait? Is this real life or is it just fantasy?

K: Shut up before I hit you!

M: Don't be this rude! Well, come in. It's a little bit messy though.

K: As I thought it would be.

M: It's not always like this, I swear.

K: Yeah, yeah. Do you have a microwave?

M: Give everything to me, I will heat it.

K: There. There are also some medicines for your fever. Don't forget to take them.

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