Chapter 4. The turning point

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Kit's Pov

Tonight I have to hang out with my doctor gang. Pha and Beam said that I was studying too much and that I needed a break. They decided to go to the bar next to the university to drink something together like we did the first year we got here. We were free spirits, troublemakers who decided to take it easy and become responsible the next year. Everyday we hung out with a different girl and we got drunk a lot. Of course, the playboys were Pha and Beam. I liked hanging out with my friends, but I wasn't that good with conversations weren't as smooth as theirs and I stuttered a lot. In the end, the girl would leave because she was bored. However, I didn't care that much because I know that I'm not easy to handle like I can't even hand myself. Luckily, Pha now has his boyfriend (who strangely won't be with us tonight) and Beam is slowly falling for Forth (he won't admit it, but we all know that he's becoming his wife) so things won't be wild like they were before.

I was putting my jeans on when Beam texted me that he was waiting for me in the parking lot of my dorm. I quickly grab a jacket, put my shoes on and go downstairs. I get in his car and we go to the bar. Pha was already there waiting at a table with 3 drinks.

Pha: Now that we're all here, we should cheer.

Kit: To what?

Beam: To us. To the never falling apart doctor gang.

K: Guys, you're scaring me...why are you all lovey-dovey with me today?

P: We're not lovey-dovey.

K: Yes, you are. What's happening?

B: Oh my God, Kit! Stop being like that, clink your glass to ours and let's start drinking!

I do as Beam says, but I'm still suspicious and I know I'm never wrong. As I thought something was going on and after 4-5 drinks, Beam was on the dancefloor with a girl and Pha gets up from his chair and sits on the one next to mine.

P: Kit, do you mind if I ask you something?

K: If it's about money, you chose the wrong person.

P: Please, I'm trying to be serious here.

K: Okay, now you quite scare me. Shoot.

P: Did you notice that the girl from the Arts department is hitting on you?

K: Who?

P: Wait, what was her name? B...

K: Beauty?

P: Yes!

K: She's really hitting on me? We're just friends and she knows that.

P: Look, I was a womanizer once, so I know when a girl is trying to seduce a man.

K: Oh yes, I forgot about that since you're glued to your Wayo now.

P: Quit it!

K: Sorry. However, I didn't notice that.

P: Do you like her?

K: Eh?

P: You heard me.

K: N-n-no Pha.

P: So do you like someone else? I'm worrying because it's been a while since you went out with a girl.

K: I don't like anyone right now.

P: Are you sure? Perhaps did you start falling for Ming?

K: Eh? NO. Why are you being like this?

P: There's a problem with that? Your pitch is going higher so you're lying.

Okay, I'm panicking. I don't know why but when I heard Ming's name I was petrified. Why bring him into this conversation? I like girls and he knows that, so why? Why this question? And I'm not lying. I don't like Ming! He's annoying and doesn't leave me alone. He flirts with me every time he can and so that's why they think that we can be a couple, but that's impossible. I have to get out of this situation, I don't want people to think that I like men.

K: You're right...I was lying.

P: About Ming?

K: No, about Beauty. I'm actually interested in her, but I was too shy to ask you to help me. You know, I'm not that good with girls.

P: Oh, okay...if that's what you want, I will help you.

K: Thanks, my friend.

He believed me or at least is what I thought at the moment. I order another drink and while I was talking to the waiter, I see Pha taking his phone out of his pocket and sending a text message. I decide to not pay too much attention to that gesture because maybe he was just texting Wayo to say that we're still at the bar...I didn't know that text was going to change a lot of things.

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